258. Telegram From the Consulate at Elisabethville to the Department of State0

228. Reference Deptel 169.1 Yesterday I verbally communicated to Tshombe all pertinent points in reference telegram. Tshombe’s reaction was most gratifying. He said he was enormously encouraged by interest shown by USG in his problems. Although message contained no promise of direct US support for Tshombe’s position, he indicated following areas of agreement with points enunciated: (1) He will avoid precipitate action against Berendsen or UN presence, (2) he is appreciative of US support in helping clarify Hammarskjold’s thoughts regarding Belgian presence in Katanga, (3) he is willing to continue to envisage possibility UN may provide technical assistance of diversified origins, (4) he is grateful for personal compliments contained in reference telegram and grateful also for US attitude toward Lumumba, (5) he will study possibilities of issuing additional statements indicating his willingness to discuss federal structure for Congo with moderate Congolese leaders and to provide financial support for such a structure.

Tshombe asked me to relay his appreciation for this message and his determination “not to fail US”. He indicated his satisfaction stems from fact that for weeks he has believed himself alone in anti-Lumumba battle. He hopes Department will continue periodically to offer words of encouragement which help dispel his doubts.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/11–860. Confidential; Priority. Also sent to Léopoldville and USUN and repeated to Brussels. Received at 7:56 a.m. on November 10.
  2. Document 257.