236. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic1

2961. Embtels 2800 and 2849.2

Dept fully recognizes desirability make as forthcoming response as possible to current feelers re US assistance Egyptian cotton problem. Unfortunately, current Free World surplus and full US stockpile, domestic problem here and lack legislative authority render it impossible for us take direct affirmative action along lines desired by UAR. You should, therefore, reply along following lines to approaches you have received. While you, of course, free keep Amin and Haikal appropriately informed, Dept inclined believe, view delicate handling required in order avoid impression US stand excessively negative or has broad implications for US–UAR relations, it preferable, unless you perceive objection, that you convey message in first instance direct to Nasser, whom it might be useful for you to see soon in any event view recent developments.

[Here follow numbered paragraphs 1–4 which explain in detail the problems connected with marketing Egyptian cotton in the United States.]

5. While recognizing foregoing not notably encouraging response, we hope it will indicate our continuing desire be hopeful and will not be interpreted as reflecting any lack of US interest in continuing improvement US–UAR relations. US has welcomed recent progress in improving US–UAR ties and has been gratified note courageous stand taken by President Nasser and UAR in exposing true meaning international communism to peoples of NE through forthright publicity recent weeks. Fact USG has avoided taking public position on matter should not be interpreted by UAR as implying lack of interest or respect for Nasser’s courageous anti-Communist stand, but rather as arising from belief public US expressions of approval current UAR attitude would be seized upon by unfriendly elements in effort discredit UAR. In fact, for President Nasser’s private information, his firm and uncompromising position on the Communist issue has been welcomed by the highest levels in USG. (FYI. Dept approves your comments [Page 527] to Sabri para 1 Deptel 28243 which appropriate this connection. End FYI.) As earnest US desire continue normalize and improve relations, we have over past year taken number steps which, taken together, should leave UAR in no doubt of our determination seek broaden area of mutual confidence and understanding between our two countries. Believe as result our combined efforts we have now arrived at point where it possible speak frankly, as we have done above, about troublesome perennial problem such as cotton without fear any resultant misunderstanding.

[Here follow numbered paragraphs 6 and 7 in which Hare was informed that the United States would consider a UAR request for naval training and that it was urgently considering a supplemental P.L. 480 program of $20–25 million for the UAR.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 886B.2321/4–259. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Brewer on April 1; cleared by Rountree, Murphy, E, and the Department of the Navy; and approved and signed for Herter by Dillon.
  2. Telegram 2800, March 26, noted that in a conversation on March 26 Haikal had stressed the “great and continuing” UAR interest in selling cotton in the United States. Telegram 2849, March 30, described Nasser’s anti-Communist campaign and urged that the United States assist the UAR in selling Egyptian cotton. (Ibid., 786.001/3–2659 and 786.001/3–3059)
  3. See footnote 8, supra.