162. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1
Washington, July 28,
1960—9:01 a.m.
75. Eyes only for Ambassador. Embtel 58.2
- 1.
- Skillful manner in which you handled missile discussion with Ben-Gurion greatly appreciated. Same line should be followed if Ben-Gurion raises subject again. Additional background materials enroute via pouch.
- 2.
- There has been no change in USG position re missiles since your visit here. Reply to Ben-Gurion’s June 8 letter3 still under preparation. When completed will be transmitted to you for delivery.
- 3.
- Anxious that present relative tranquility in Near East be preserved, we hope Ben-Gurion can be dissuaded from focusing all his hopes on acquisition of missiles or in his disappointment from listening to those who might advocate some sort of “preventive” military action.
- 4.
- You should continue to stress to Ben-Gurion as appropriate: a) that Israel is not without friends, i.e., US, France, UK and UN; b) that fully aware of strong US and UN as well as Israeli reaction, Nasser [Page 358] must realize that aggression would be very unprofitable to the UAR; c) that with its Super Mysteres and future Mirages Israel possesses classic air defense of highest quality; and d) that Israel’s air defense will be of even greater effectiveness by virtue of advanced electronics equipment USG is providing.
- 5.
- You may inform Ben-Gurion our information re UAR discloses: a) no significant evidence that UAR is planning attack on Israel; b) UAR–USSR MIG–19 deal not yet been consummated presumably over difficulties over financing; c) that Nasser, already disturbed by fact that Israel’s Super Mysteres out-perform his MIG–17’s has become immeasurably more eager to obtain MIG–19’s following press reports that Israel obtaining Mirages; and d) Nasser’s desire for MIG–19’s ably exploited by Soviets, is primarily responsible for his recent public statements favorable to USSR and hostile to US and Israel. This UAR–Israel competition in supersonic aircraft could easily be repeated and equally futilely in costly missile race.
- 6.
- You may assure Ben-Gurion we deplore bellicose statements recently made by UAR spokesmen but do not regard them as significant departure from customary UAR practice against Israel. While we not sanguine anything can be accomplished until Nasser has succeeded in redressing what he considers an imbalance in supersonic aircraft, we are making efforts through appropriate channels to effect restraint on bellicosity of UAR propaganda.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86B/7–1860. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Meyer on July 23; cleared by Jones, Hart, Merchant, and Dillon; and initialed by Herter.↩
- Document 158.↩
- See Document 151.↩