401. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

2341. Pass Defense. Beirut pass Ambassador Mills. Reference: Embtel 2336.2 Palace official telephoned early this afternoon said King wished to see me as soon as possible. On arrival at Palace I found usually crowded reception room deserted except for Chief of Protocol who took me immediately to King.

Hussein opened conversation by saying he wished have “one of our informal talks in order he could tell me something concerning composition new government”. He said government former Prime Minister Rifai had with help army and police brought Jordan to a state of stability which permitted greater freedom of action in international field. In selecting new Cabinet greatest stress had been laid on personal and professional integrity, loyalty, willingness to work as a team submerging personal ideas and opinions to “higher authorities” (meaning Palace and/or army).

King told me he had ordered study policies and programs all Ministries with particular attention to their effect on already unbalanced budget. I took opportunity point out to King as I had earlier to Prime Minister Majali fact HKJ had already received initial $10 million installment for JFY–60 could not expect any further US budgetary support payments before end of summer. King said he had issued orders budget must be “cut to bone”, however this means not reduce effectiveness armed forces.

[Page 714]

King proceeded branch out into discussion foreign affairs saying Rifai government had shown lack imagination foresight in fields international affairs with result Jordan had failed assume its proper role leadership free Arab States. He said for more than two years Jordan had stood firm against Communist penetration Middle East while Nasser during same period had been ally of Russia playing East against West in bid dominate Arab world. He (Hussein) had been special target Nasser’s attacks but despite everything he (Nasser) could do Jordan stood like a rock. Now belatedly Nasser having failed to secure control over Iraq as result July 14 revolution has suddenly become violently anti-Communist demanding all other Arab States recognize him as their leader in fight against Red Menace. Hussein emphasized Jordan will never accept Nasser whether he poses as anti-Communist or reveals himself in his true light as a dictator bent on creating an Arab empire. I pointed out regardless Nasser’s motives there was no gain-saying he had “pulled out all stops” in his attacks on Communists both Soviets and ChiComs. [121/2 lines of source text not declassified]

[7 paragraphs (11/4 pages of source text) not declassified]

Comment: Taken brief glimpses of so-called “third position in Middle East” suggested by Hussein’s remarks [1 line of source text not declassified] indicates King may seriously consider himself “man of destiny”. I am concerned that without Rifai [l line of source text not declassified] King may inadvertently place Jordan beyond point no return with catastrophic results for free world in Middle East. I am not reassured as information continues pile up indicating Beduin hot heads in army may over-reach themselves trigger crumbling of relatively stable internal situation which prevailed last few months under Rifai regime.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.13/5–759. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Repeated to Ankara, Baghdad, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, London, Tehran, Tel Aviv, and Beirut.
  2. Supra.