263. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

434. Rome for McSweeney. Met with Prime Minister Rifai order secure his views current situation in light persistent reports coup imminent. Following highlights our conversation:

Re upcoming GA meeting Rifai originally planned head HKJ delegation if other Prime Ministers attended. In view decision keep representation to Foreign Minister level he has designated his brother Monem Rifai, Jordanian Ambassador London (expected shortly be transferred Washington), lead Jordanian delegation composed: Maj. Gen Sadiq Shara, Deputy Chief Jordanian Army; Brig. Muhammad Saadi, Director Army Intelligence; Midhat Juma, Under Secretary Press, broadcasting and tourism; Shukri el-Muhta Di, Legal Advisor Prime Minister. Rifai said he is preparing strong chronological case history Nasser aggression/subversion against Jordan dating from April 1957. He plans elaborate display photographs, documents, transcript radio broadcasts be used support Jordan case before UN body. [91/2 lines of source text not declassified]
King Hussein will make precedent shattering speech commemorating Seventh Anniversary his accession throne August 11. He plans launch all-out attack Nasser in “rough language which personally [Page 448] distasteful King but only one that rogue, thief, liar understands.” Hussein will warn UAR particularly Syria that those who play Nasser game may be destroyed even as they are now trying destroy Jordan.
King Hussein was concerned over reports US plans early withdrawal troops Lebanon. He requested Rifai inform USG HKJ would voice strong opposition any such withdrawal until it felt sure situation stabilized not only Lebanon but throughout area. I invited Rifai’s attention to BBC broadcast which said HMG after consultation HKJ had approached UNSYG with proposal designed make guarantee Jordan’s independence/integrity a UN responsibility permit withdrawal British troops. Rifai said although he had not heard broadcast had been informed about it. As result called in British Ambassador Johnston, made following points clear to him:
HKJ had no confidence UN ability provide adequate physical protection Jordan against either external aggression and/or subversion.
King Hussein would not tolerate UNEF type force made up contingents small nations completely lacking military power enforce decision against world power, i.e. Russia.
Idea UNOGIL along lines used Lebanon absolutely unacceptable.
Jordan only asks be given arms with which defend itself then it would be only too happy say goodby to British troops which as matter fact are so few in number they could not even withstand attack by Jordan army if it turns against it.
Both Hussein/RIFAI would reject outright any concept Jordan should be made “ward of UN”.
Inquired if there was any basis UP report HJK/HMG had signed treaty giving UK military bases Jordan exchange annual subsidy $45 million. Rifai nearly exploded, shouted this was fabrication lunatic mind probably UP reporter, said we both knew nobody but USG gives Jordan anything, others offer loans or empty promises.
I said in view persistent rumors effect army coup and/or uprising among West Bank refugees imminent would appreciate his personal appraisal situation. Rifai replied no sense attempt minimize danger revolt fact Hussein Government in tight spot. Events over which HJK had no control contrived block almost every course of action. [181/2 lines of source text not declassified]

Comment: Rifai realizes GA meeting will provide rare opportunity Jordan place its case before world public. Therefore he has forged as good a plan as possible do job. I recommend we establish as close contact as possible with men like Maj. General Sadiq Shara and Ambassador [Page 449] Monem Rifai who will be only too willing to grasp friendly hand. Rifai expressed hope we would assist Jordan delegation as much as possible. [9 lines of source text not declassified]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 785.00/8–958. Secret; Niact. Repeated to Ankara, Baghdad, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jerusalem, Jidda, Karachi, Tehran, Tel Aviv, USUN, London, Paris, and Rome.