114. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

95. For Barbour. In discussion British proposal extend guidelines Lebanese operation, Dept informed by JCS on July 2 that Admiral Holloway as CINCSPECOMME has reacted negatively to proposed extension. JCS supports Holloway’s view that US/UK forces available are sufficient only for initial landing Beirut and should not be split to effect landing at Tripoli or elsewhere. JCS has informed British military reps here of foregoing.

JCS would not object if British insist on conducting Tripoli operation themselves but would expect details would be worked out with Holloway.

On June 30 British Minister handed Rountree paper2 outlining current Fonoff thinking re general policy US and UK should follow if military intervention becomes necessary. Inter alia this paper specifically included occupation of airfield at Rayak in addition to Beirut and Tripoli. Dept queried JCS about Rayak. JCS commented that Rayak is obviously strategic location but JCS not aware that it had been included in any plans discussed so far. JCS opinion is that Holloway’s objections to extending operations include Tripoli would apply with much greater force to attempting initial landing at Rayak.

In discussing foregoing with Fonoff and CINCSPECOMME, Dept desires you ascertain (1) if British interest in Tripoli landing such that they plan make additional forces available carry it out and (2) if British thinking in regard to Rayak operation is for landing there in early stages or in subsequent expansion.

You should inform Fonoff that Dept is aware that some assumptions underlying present plans land only at Beirut may no longer stand and that it might be found necessary extend operations in early stages to include landings at Tripoli and perhaps elsewhere. As they stand plans recognize that developments after initial landing may require commitment of additional forces. If it appears that situation would require expansion of intervention then planning must comprehend forces necessary for achieving this.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 783A.00/7–358. Top Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted in NEA by H.M. Symmes. Cleared by Rockwell, Rountree, and Reinhardt, and in the JCS with General Twining. Repeated to Beirut.
  2. Not found.