376. Telegram From Secretary of State Herter to the Department of State0

Cahto 95. For the President from the Secretary.

“Dear Mr. President:

I met this noon at my villa with Couve and Selwyn as agreed last evening.1 We continued discussion of the best next step in the light of the present conference deadlock. Couve reiterated the belief that the West should take the initiative in suggesting adjournment until [Page 865] mid-July. Lloyd after overnight consideration seemed inclined to agree. He referred to the election element in the British picture but said the important thing was to decide on the best course and then accept the domestic consequences. He and Couve agreed a month’s recess was preferable to closing the conference without setting a resumption date. I indicated the clear belief that some action was necessary to impress Gromyko with our seriousness but said I desired to reserve expressing an opinion on the various alternatives open to us until I had heard from you which might be tonight or tomorrow. We agreed to maintain the secrecy of our discussions and to meet again as soon as I received your expected message.

Couve reported de Gaulle’s lack of interest in a summit conference destined for failure as he believed would be the case as matters stand today.2 Selwyn indicated continued willingness to grasp at any excuse to move on to the summit and reverted with no encouragement from either Couve or myself to his suggestions of last evening that we work out the details of an agreement on Berlin which would only come into force after the heads of government have decided what happens to our rights.

Faithfully, Chris.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 10.11–HE/6–959. Secret.
  2. See Document 374.
  3. Herter met privately with Couve de Murville at 11:45 a.m. and the French Foreign Minister, who had visited Paris over the weekend, explained General de Gaulle’s views on a summit meeting, A report on this meeting was transmitted in Cahto 96 from Geneva, June 9. (Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 64 D 560, CF 1327)