50. Telegram From the Embassy in Cuba to the Department of State1

693. For Rubottom. I sincerely am trying to be objective in my attitude toward the affairs of Cuba, yet I feel it my duty to point out certain facts.

With issuance public statement by Department2 declaring US was not furnishing arms to either side in Cuba impression was created that US was placing rebels on same plane as GOC.

GOC has been friendly to and cooperative with US at all times. Whenever US has requested cooperation and assistance in our stand against world Communism GOC has never been found wanting. Requests for protection American property from rebels—even though [Page 84] GOC may now not even purchase arms in US—have always been complied with. GOC has responded no matter what requests US has made.

In suspending shipment of arms to Cuba and then publicizing same, Department has opened doors to oppositionists in US. Department will therefore continue be pressured by oppositionists for more and more spiritual aid to encourage rebels. Withholding of the previous commitment—delivery of 20 armored cars—represented aid to rebels.

Department must be aware that as long as oppositionists are given encouragement they will continue to pressure Department until GOC refuses to cooperate further or US has brought about downfall of GOC.

So soon after complete failure of highly advertised and long-promised revolution and general strike it is difficult to believe rebels capable of capturing cities. Past program of rebel unfilled promises is still too vivid in people’s minds.

I believe Cuba may still find peaceful solution which is desired by great majority Cubans and is in best interest US. Said peaceful solution is possibly in offing. I have been informed by Papal Nuncio and Bishop Muller that they have plans to try to obtain an indefinite truce.

I will discuss with appropriate officials the bad world reaction toward US which would ensue from indiscriminate bombing of cities from MAP bombers. However I strongly recommend against publicizing any GOC assurances we may receive. Such publicity would only encourage rebels and hurt GOC without benefiting US.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.56/4–1358. Secret; Priority.
  2. See Document 44.