385. Circular Airgram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics1


Information has reached Department that Dr. Emilio Nunez Portuondo, Cuban Delegate to UN under Batista regime and now prominent figure in Cuban exile anti-Castro movement, has been traveling extensively through Latin America and discussing Cuban situation with prominent people in countries visited.

According to reports Nunez Portuondo has claimed that U.S. is on point of intervening in Cuba because (1) Russians and Chinese Communists active in Cuba; (2) a Communist missile base being constructed in Cuba; (3) GOC has requested U.S. evacuate Guantanamo Naval Base. He may also claim that he has close contact with high USG officials.

If posts receive inquiries from host government officials concerning Nunez Portuondo’s statements they should reply along following lines:

While certain problems evident in U.S. relations with present GOC U.S. wishes continue traditional friendship with Cuban nation and people. As well known in the Hemisphere U.S. believes firmly in non-intervention principle.

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With regard to three points Nunez Portuondo has raised in recent past (1) although Cuban Communist influence Castro administration disturbing and some ChiCom interest apparent, no evidence Soviet activity; (2) no evidence missile center exists in Cuba; (3) GOC has not requested evacuation Guantanamo.

Any implication that Nunez Portuondo has close contact with Department officers is false and Department assumes his statements motivated by desire advance own political cause.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/11–459. Confidential. Drafted by Owen; cleared with Wieland, Stewart, Coerr, and Clarence Boonstra (EST); and approved by Vallon who signed for Herter. Sent to Port-au-Prince, Ciudad Trujillo, Mexico City, Guatemala City, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa, Managua, San Jose, Panama, Bogota, Quito, La Paz, Asuncion, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Caracas.