24. Editorial Note
On March 3, Daniel Braddock, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy in Havana, returned to Washington for consultations in the Department of State regarding progress being made on the course of action taken since Ambassador Smith’s visit to Washington in mid-January. In a memorandum of March 7 to Deputy Assistant Secretary Snow, William A. Wieland discussed subsequent developments in Cuba, noting that, as a result of the discussions in the Department with Braddock, “it was agreed that about the most effective suggestion that Ambassador Smith could reasonably make to President Batista at this time which might be helpful in bringing about public acceptance of the forthcoming elections would be that of inviting representatives of various Cuban civic, labor, press, and church organizations, etc., to discuss ways and means of assuring these organizations that the elections will be acceptable”. (Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/ 3–758)