125. Editorial Note
In telegram 117 to Havana, August 14, the Department approved Ambassador Smith’s home leave and asked him to come to the Department for consultations on August 18. The telegram noted a decision on arms policy was delayed pending discussion with the Ambassador. It also noted that authorization had been given for the shipment of pending noncombat items sold or provided on a grant basis. Finally, it said that a reply to the Embassy’s paper regarding U.S. policy toward Cuba (Document 121) had been drafted and would be held for the Ambassador’s comments. (Department of State, Central Files, 737.56/8–1458)
According to an undated, unsigned note attached to Rubottom’s memorandum of August 11 to Dulles (Document 122), that memorandum was shown to Smith during his consultations in the Department:
“Ambassador Smith read this paper while on consultation in the Department on August 18 and 19. He concurred in the recommendations except for number (3), expressing his hope that the ten T–28’s would be shipped. The Ambasador was, however, satisfied with Mr. Rubottom’s statement that the Department would try to find some middle ground in dealing with the question of the training aircraft.” (Department of State, Rubottom Files: Lot 60 D 553, Cuba)