123. NSC Report1
to the
- A. NSC 5724, 5724/1, 5807, 5807/1
- B. NSC Actions Nos. 1814, 1841, 1842, [illegible in the original], 1878, 1882, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 2015 and 2020
- C. Memos for NSC from Executive
- (1) “Report to the President by the Security Resources Panel of the ODM Science Advisory Committee”, dated January 22, 1958
- (2) “Measures to Carry Out the Concept of Shelter”, dated March 24 and 26, and November 5 and 13, 1958
- (3) “Adequacy of Government Research Programs in Non-Military Defense,” dated July 1, 1958
- (4) “The Number of Nuclear Weapons which Might be Tolerable to World Populations”, dated July 7, 1958
- (5) “Survival of Population Following a Massive Nuclear Exchange”, dated June 27, 1958
- (6) “Status of Shelter Measures as of June 30, 1958”, dated July 1, 1958
At the 360th NSC Meeting on March 27, 1958, the National Security Council, the Secretary of the Treasury, Judge Lawrence E. Walsh for the Attorney General, the Director, Bureau of the Budget, the Federal Civil Defense Administrator, Captain John H. Morse, Jr. USN for the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, and the Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors, noted and discussed a report on the subject (NSC 5807) and (NSC Action 1882, approved by the President on April 2, 1958):
- (1)
- Agreed that certain measures should be undertaken to carry out the concept of fallout shelter for protection of the civil population against radiation hazard, in accordance with NSC Action No. 1842–d. A statement of these measures was circulated as NSC 5807/1.
- (2)
- Deferred action on the measures recommended in paragraph 1–b (except the limited program in NSC Action No. 1882–b–(2)), 2–b, 2–c, 5–b and 6–a and –b of NSC 5807; pending consideration of certain studies and reports requested by the Council.
Subsequently, such studies and reports were submitted to the Council, which:
- (1)
- Noted and discussed a report on “Adequacy of Government Research Programs in Non-Military Defense” (Reference C(3)) and referred it to the Director, OCDM, for study of the conclusions therein (especially Conclusion Nos. 6 and 7 on page 2 of the Summary) and such recommendations to the Council as he might deem appropriate (NSC Action No. 1945).
- (2)
- Noted and discussed (NSC Actions No. 1946 and 1947) reports on “The Number of Nuclear Weapons which Might be Tolerable to World Populations” (Reference C(4)) and “Survival of Population Following a Massive Nuclear Exchange” (Reference C(5)).
- (3)
- Noted and discussed (NSC Action No. 1948) a report on “Status of Shelter Measures as of June 30, 1958” (Reference C(6)); and noted that the Director, OCDM, would submit to the Council a supplementary status report following Congressional action on FY 1959, appropriations, and appropriate recommendations on shelter measures (including those on which action was deferred by NSC Action No. 1882–d in the light of Congressional action an appropriations and of further study of the reports referred to in subparagraphs (1) and (2) above.
In this supplementary status report (Reference C(2), November 5 and 18, 1958), the Director, OCDM, stated that, except for paragraph 5–b of NSC 5807, he did not recommend further action at that time on the shelter measures on which action was deferred by NSC Action No. 1882–d.
With reference to paragraph 5–b of NSC 5807, the recommendations of the Director, OCDM, were discussed by the Council on December 11 and 18, 1958. At the latter meeting, the Council (NSC Action No. 2020–b) agreed that, as an additional measure to provide some Federal example in the area of fallout shelter, the present program of shelter research and prototype construction should be broadened to provide specific emphasis on such research and prototype construction in existing Federal buildings. This action was approved by the President on December 24, 1958.
[Facsimile Page 3]Accordingly, NSC 5807/1, revised by incorporation therein of NSC Action No. 2020–b and by deletion therefrom of paragraphs which called for reports which have now been noted and discussed by the Council, is transmitted herewith as NSC 5807/2 for appropriate implementation of paragraph 1 by the Director, OCDM, and of paragraph 2 by the Director, OCDM and the Director, Bureau of the Budget.
NSC 5807/2 supersedes NSC 5807/1.
Executive Secretary
cc: The Secretary of the Treasury
The Attorney General
The Director, Bureau of the Budget
The Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
The Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers
The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director of Central Intelligence
The Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology
The Special Assistant to the President for Public Works Planning
- Source: “Measures To Carry Out the Concept of Shelter.” Top Secret. 9 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5807 Series.↩