65. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1

2202. Reference: Saigon G–96. Discussed suggested approach Diem re Cassia and other Can Lao business activities with Parsons. He concurs unless Department believes other overriding considerations unknown to us might indicate timing not appropriate that I should try to see Diem soonest carry out plan suggested my letter October 10 to Kocher.2 Only possible reason I can see is that Parsons plans urge Diem and RKG to try to build basis for better VNRKG relations and even most friendly “tip off” on Cassia matter might not be conducive to this end.

Nonetheless, I recommended to Parsons I take such step for following reasons: (1) We receiving increasing evidence Can Lao Party expanding “business activities”. (2) Coming from Baguio Conference, presided over by Dillon, would give added point and emphasis to my démarche. (3) It advisable I take up matter prior to Parsons arrival 26th, when, if seems opportune and occasion should arise, Parsons could follow through my remarks.

In view of Garcia visit 22–25,3 it may not be possible see Diem in meantime, but would appreciate Department’s comments and suggestions this matter soonest.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 411.51G212/4–1859. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Repeated for information to Kuala Lumpur for Parsons.
  2. Document 36.
  3. President Carlos P. Garcia of the Philippines.
  4. In telegram 1679 to Saigon, April 20, the Department of State responded that it had no objection to the proposed timing of the approach to Diem concerning Can Lao business activities. (Department of State, Central Files, 411.51G212/4–1859)