236. Memorandum Prepared by John S.D. Eisenhower, Assistant White House Staff Secretary1

3. South Vietnam—Suppression of the attempted coup against President Diem appeared virtually complete by the afternoon of 12 November with the surrender of nearly all rebel paratroopers to loyal forces which had entered Saigon in response to Diem’s earlier radio appeals. Efforts are being made to stabilize the military situation as rapidly as possible in order to prevent Communist guerrillas from profiting by the diversion of field units to Saigon. Some increase in Communist activity has been reported in Tay Ninh Province west of Saigon.

Our Ambassador Durbrow has urged Diem not to take severe retaliatory measures and has urged that he take stock of his family’s participation in government. While he applauds Diem’s fortitude in this crisis, and while he admits there is no weakening of anti-Communist sentiment, he still points out that the existence of this uprising is harmful to Diem’s standing and indicates considerable dissatisfaction within elements of the country.

John S.D. Eisenhower
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries. Extract. Top Secret. Omitted are brief unrelated items reporting on developments in Laos, Iraq, France/Algeria, Turkey, and Guatemala.