234. Telegram from the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (McGarr) to the Secretary of Defense’s Deputy Assistant for Operations (Lansdale)1

SGN 236. Am sure you have been following recent attempted coup action through reports forwarded throughout action of 11th–12th.

Might be of interest to know have had post action conversation with Thuan and Vo Van Hai, Staff Secretary to President, and hope soon be able talk personally with Diem. However asked Thuan to advise Diem my readiness to pass any information to you. Will reaffirm when I next see Diem.

Courageous action of Diem coupled with loyalty and versatility of commanders bringing troops into Saigon from 1st, Cap, and 5th Military Regions were determining factors in outcome of action. Fortunately I was in excellent position thru personal contact with rebel as well as loyal Vietnamese commanders to influence action.

Either thru careful rebel timing or freak circumstance Senior Commanders of ARVN Forces had been summoned to Saigon for [Page 660] conference. This facilitates rebel seizure and control of top command of armed forces.

My opinion that Diem has emerged from this severe test in position of greater strength with visible proof of sincere support behind him both in armed forces and civilian population. Impact of this action on organization and command structure of military forces will be determined to considerable degree by investigative and disciplinary action taken by Vietnamese Government in immediate future.

Troops are speedily returning to task of protecting people from Viet Cong attack and destroying forces of communist insurgency.

  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, Lansdale Papers: FRC 63 A 1803, Vietnam Correspondence 1960. Secret.