231. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

782. Durbrow from Parsons. Embtel 1049.2 While leaving matter to your good judgment feel it would be useful give Diem our views on political causes and effects recent crisis. You may wish convey following:

We are gratified that violence has ceased. We greatly admire steadfast courage which President Diem displayed during this dangerous time. We are gratified but not surprised that during this crisis there was no doubt of the continued determination of VN people and Government to resist Communists. We will continue to support Viet-Nam in this struggle.

However, we would like President to know confidentially that, in our view, while there was no weakening of the anti-Communist spirit, recent events have proven that there is a serious lack of support among military and other elements for many aspects of the Government’s policies. It would therefore be very unwise for GVN to take a public posture which could be regarded as too inflexible.

We urge first and urgently that GVN avoid acts of retribution which would deepen existing divisions.

Second, it is clear that much of dissatisfaction which was expressed openly during unusual circumstances of crisis was focused on certain members of President’s family. Painful as it may be, we believe these criticisms cannot be ignored.

Third, we wish to recall the other points raised in Ambassador’s démarche of October 14 (Embdes 157, October 153) particularly as concerns the importance of taking dramatic action in a number of fields calculated to strengthen the regime’s popular support. You may wish underline that unfortunate implications of Can Lao influence on ARVN has certainly been made abundantly clear.

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Although violence has subsided in Saigon, we believe the regime’s prestige has suffered seriously and that actions along the lines suggested should be taken soon.

We would appreciate the President’s considered views on these matters.

FYI. You may wish make point re avoiding undue acts retribution soonest and then make full démarche later. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–1260. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Wood, cleared by Cleveland, approved by Parsons. Repeated for information to CINCPAC for PolAd.
  2. Document 228.
  3. Document 205.