222. Telegram From the Air AttachÉ in Vietnam (Toland) to the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force (White)1
C–115. For AFCIN and AFCIN 1–E–A. Subject: military coup Saigon Viet Nam SITREP yellow one. Ref ALUSNA and USARMA Saigon Critics and Embtel Critics 993, 994 and Embtel 1003 to State.2 At approx 1915Z, 10 Nov 60 major force of ARVN paratroopers assisted by marines and regulars seized all major military control points city Saigon and airport, incl the Presidential Palace, the postal, telephone and telegraph, services, national police HQ, security services HQ, gestapo HQ (HQ of Dr Tuyen), ARVN general staff HQ and entire Camp Tran Hung Dao, VNAF and civilian facilities Tan Son Nhut airport, Saigon radio and military radio, all major govt buildings, palace guard HQs and barracks, ARVN workshop, and navy HQ s. Heavy fire including light and heavy machine guns with tracers grenades, carbine, M-l and other auto and semi-auto wpns (possibly mortars) or tanks and other armoured vehicles lasted one hour plus with sporadic and intermittent heavy and light arms fire continuing as of 0130Z, 11 Nov 60. AIRA made visual observations entire city including all installations above with exception Presidential Palace where permitted to pass one block away on south side. Paratroopers in control all major installations with exception of marine–navy sector Saigon in hands of marines. AIRA sources reports large number military casualties l’Hospital Gralle awaiting treatment; unknown [Page 639] number dead, but two military dead observed on street. No major GVN counter actions noted thus far. Police isolated, chief national police seen under para guard national HQ. City police making selves scarce; those observers on duty handling normal traffic. Australian mil att reports holes observed in Palace wall made by rebels. British mil attaché reports GVN seeking aid from Seventh Div and other units near Bien Hoa. No ARVN units observed near or in city coming rescue Diem. No info obtained re Diem status as Palace prisoner; unknown whether he alive, dead, holding out, or having surrendered. Terms of ultimatum given President by rebel forces not yet known. No names leaders of coup group yet confirmed. No radio broadcasts by rebels yet reported however, AIRA source reported Maj Gen Duong Van Minh (Big Minh), Maj Do Cao Tri and Lt Col Dai Ta Loc leaders of paratrooper coup forces scheduled takeover city 19 Nov. Control points now in hands of rebel forces and executed plan of coup follows plan given AIRA and suggests strong possibility these individuals involved. Civilians calmly proceeding about normal daily activities and taking coup in stride. Initial reaction indigenous AIRA interviews indicate man on street glad of heart and hope rebels successful. AIRA comments: 1. Coup appears success as of moment. Evidence point no will on part of forces guarding President and GVN officials oppose armed rebel insurrection. Coup well executed by rebels. AIRA doubts ARVN mil units outside Saigon willing effect counter coup. Rebel forces appear well armed and in strategic control major command posts. No US or other foreign personnel known to have sustained injury or property damage except for stray bullet holes in houses. It AIRA belief Diem will capitulate to rebels or commit suicide before nightfall. Should point out suspected leaders inner circle coup group all South Vietnamese except AIRA informant; if rebels desire turn populace against northern Vietnamese in South Viet Nam, coup will result in great bloodshed. AIRA suspending USAF landings Tan Son Nhut until further notice. Pres Diem has issued urgent appeal over short wave radio palace for outlying GVN troops attack city and suppress coup.
- Source: Department of State, Saigon Embassy Files: Lot 65 F 115, Internal Political Affairs, Vietnam-GVN-Nov. Coup. Secret; Noforn; Operational Immediate. Repeated for information to CMDR MATS, CMDR SAC, CMDR PACAF, CMDR 13 AF Clark, CMDR 5 AF, Air AttachÉ Bangkok, Army AttachÉ Phnom Penh and Vientiane, CMDR WESTAF, CMDR 1503 ATW, CMDT 315 AD Tachikawa AB Japan.↩
- None of these preliminary reports of the coup are printed. (All telegrams specifically cited are ibid., except telegram 993, November 10, which is ibid., Central Files, 751K.54/11–1060.)↩