221. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1
1025. 1. Rebel delegation visiting General McGarr (our 10192) requested that McGarr or I accompany Lt. Col. Dong, Paratroop Battalion Commander, to Palace for negotiations in order guarantee his safety. After I indicated undesirability that McGarr or I be directly involved, Nhu called expressing hope we would send representative, if not possible above named then someone else. Nhu given treatment re necessity some compromise although we hoped President retain active role. Whole problem subject negotiations and must reflect degree of force held by each side.
2. Vice President Tho also called me to urge we send representative to accompany Lt. Col. Dong to Palace. I also urged compromise on Vice President.
3. During considerable negotiations with Hoang Co Thuy, … officer made same points but found him adamant necessity Diem go…. officer strongly emphasized necessity compromise in course of actual negotiations, and our feeling that Diem should be retained in active role.3 Same line as to Thuy given Col. Thi, Paratroop Commander, by separate … officer.
4. I decided with requests from both sides to send representative to accompany Dong to Palace but this proved unnecessary as Dong had meanwhile worked out other arrangements for safe-conduct to Palace.
5. General telephoned me from Palace at 1735 to state both sides had made positions clear in just concluded talks at Palace. Khanh said question now being considered further at Palace. I told Khanh about my willingness that I or other American serve as safe-conduct since both sides has [had] asked me. I told Khanh if Dong ashed [Page 638] again I would also tell him this. In response Khanh’s question I said Dong not in contact with me.
6. SITREP4 will provide Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Vientiane with summary earlier messages not repeated those posts.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–1160. Secret; Niact. Received at 10:42 a.m. Sent also niact to CINCPAC PolAd; repeated for information niact to Manila for Felt, priority to Bangkok, and to Vientiane and Phnom Penh.↩
- Document 219.↩
- See footnote 3, Document 241.↩
- See Document 224.↩