208. Memorandum From the Secretary of State to the President1


  • Proposed Letter to President Diem of the Republic of Viet-Nam2

Ambassador Durbrow has recommended3 that on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Republic of Viet-Nam, October 26, 1960, you send a special letter to President Diem giving public support to him and his Government at a time when the Vietnamese are resolutely facing a very serious threat from the Communist guerrillas and there is increasing internal political tension.

Acting on our instructions Ambassador Durbrow has, in strict confidence, recently made some strong and rather unpalatable suggestions to President Diem regarding measures which were felt to be necessary if his Government were to retain its popular support and put down the Communist guerrillas.

I believe a letter from you would balance the effect of this necessary but unpleasant demarche and, in a broader sense, would strengthen the morale of the Vietnamese people and Government during a difficult period.

A suggested letter is enclosed for your consideration. If you concur, the Department will be happy to transmit the letter telegraphically to our Embassy at Saigon4 for delivery to President Diem. I would recommend that release of the letter be at the discretion of President Diem.

Christian A. Herter
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Dear Mr. President: My countrymen and I are proud to convey our good wishes to you and to the citizens of Viet-Nam on the fifth anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Viet-Nam.

We have watched the courage and daring with which you and the Vietnamese people attained independence in a situation so perilous that many thought it hopeless. We have admired the rapidity with which chaos yielded to order and progress replaced despair.

During the years of5 independence it has been refreshing for us to observe how clearly the Government and the citizens of Viet-Nam have faced the fact that the greatest danger to their independence was communism. You and your countrymen have used your strength well in accepting the double challenge of building your country and resisting Communist imperialism. In five short years since the founding of the Republic, the Vietnamese people have developed their country in almost every sector. I was particularly impressed by one example. I am informed that last year over 1,200,000 Vietnamese children were able to go to elementary school; three times as many as were enrolled five years earlier. This is certainly a heartening development for Viet-Nam’s future. At the same time Viet-Nam’s ability to defend itself from the communists has grown immeasurably since its successful struggle to become an independent Republic.

Viet-Nam’s very success as well as its potential wealth and its strategic location have led the Communists of Hanoi, goaded by the bitterness of their failure to enslave all Viet-Nam, to use increasing violence in their attempts to destroy your country’s freedom.

This grave threat, added to the strains and fatigues of the long struggle to achieve and strengthen independence, most be a burden that would cause moments of tension and concern in almost any human heart. Yet from long observation I sense how deeply the Vietnamese value their country’s independence and strength and I know how well you used your boldness when you led your countrymen in winning it. I also know that your determination has been a vital factor in guarding that independence while steadily advancing the economic development of your country. I am confident that these same qualities of determination and boldness will meet the renewed threat as well as the needs and desires of your countrymen for further progress on all fronts.

Although the main responsibility for guarding that independence will always, as it has in the past, belong to the Vietnamese people [Page 611] and their government, I want to assure you that for so long as our strength can be useful, the United States will continue to assist Viet-Nam in the difficult yet hopeful struggle ahead.


  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, International File, Vietnam. Secret. On a copy of this memorandum in Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/10–2060, Wood was indicated as the drafter with clearances from SEA, FE, L/FE in substance, and U/PR. The following note appears on the source text in Goodpaster’s hand: “24 Oct 60. Told State OK by phone—with 1 word change. G.”
  2. The text of the letter to Diem is printed also in Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960–1961, pp. 807–808. The one-word change referred to in footnote 1 above in Goodpaster’s note was the addition of the word “your” to the first sentence of the third paragraph of the letter so that it reads: “During the years of your independence….” (Draft of letter enclosed with memorandum from Herter to Eisenhower; Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/10–2060)
  3. In telegrams 825 and 873 from Saigon, October 17 and 21. (Ibid., 851K.47411/10–1760 and 751K.00/10–2060)
  4. Done in telegram 682 to Saigon, October 22. (Ibid., 851K.47411/10–2260)
  5. See footnote 2 above.