204. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1

805. Re Deptel 576.2 I called on Diem 14th to advise him broad outline of steps we propose to take upgrade capability Civil Guard by transferring responsibility from USOM to MAAG.

I left with him 2–1/2 page memorandum outlining proposals (copy by pouch3) and requesting his concurrence. Before handing paper I gave him rough French translation. After hearing first part of translation Diem had Thuan join us. During translation Diem expressed his agreement on most points raised and made it clear he very pleased with suggestions.

After hearing whole paper Diem stated he would immediately take up matter with cabinet and stated that this new project would give big boost to morale of both Civil Guard and ARVN. He expressed particular pleasure that training could start soonest using supplies in stock. I made particular point to tell him that Gen. McGarr although here only short while saw problem clearly and was able to make necessary adjustments to permit use of MAAG personnel already in Viet-Nam. Diem expressed his appreciation of this and only other comment he made was he desired Civil Guards receive ranger training soonest. I also handed Diem informal memorandum4 giving general list of equipment being procured by USOM and expected delivery dates.

As stated in paper I emphasized that many details remain to be worked out if GVN finds our proposals acceptable in principle and I told him MAAG and USOM working on more detailed paper to present to him next week.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5–MSP/10–1560. Confidential. Repeated for information to CINCPAC PolAd.
  2. In this State-Defense-ICA telegram, October 7, the three agencies agreed that Vietnam’s Civil Guard should be transferred to the Vietnamese Department of Defense on a temporary basis for the duration of the present security emergency. Furthermore, the three agencies agreed that Civil Guard anti-guerrilla training should be carried out by personnel of MAAG Vietnam. Those ICA special forces-type technicians already involved in anti-guerrilla training of the Civil Guard were to be detailed from USOM to MAAG. (Ibid., 751K.5–MSP/10–560)
  3. In despatch 159 from Saigon, October 15. (Ibid., 751K.5–MSP/10–1560)
  4. Enclosed with despatch 159.
  5. Not found.