148. Letter From the Secretary of Defense’s Deputy Assistant for Special Operations (Lansdale) to the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (Williams)1

Dear Gen. Williams: As Jerry O’Donnell probably has told you, there has been some real scrapping done in your corner in Washington—although some of these Defense folks are not aware of some of the dirtier aspects of the game.

Between the two of us, Diem recently asked for me via his Washington Ambassador who passed the request to State. Durbrow and Felt were asked how they felt about this. Both got the jitters, so I presume State will say no to Diem. I suggested that your opinion be solicited, but without effect. If you think it worthwhile, Diem might go over the heads of the bureaucrats directly to his friend Eisenhower—one boss to another. Neither Secretary of State nor Defense [Page 426] have been told of the request. I’m damn tired and worn out, thus not seeking, but if Diem really wants me, I’ll come—if you feel I can help.

Your fine information has been of terrific value in the Washington in-fighting. You were set-up to be the dumb military blunderer and Diem the next Syngman Rhee., your help permitted a blow to be “struck for liberty”!

Warmest & best, as always,

  1. Source: Center of Military History, Williams Papers, Lansdale 1960 (136). The source text is handwritten.