236. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State1

101. Foreign Minister Cho Chong-hwan in July 27 press conference issued statement on reduction Korean armed forces.

“In view existing military situation this country any reduction Korean armed forces this juncture considered unwise even dangerous. Any reduction manpower without proper systematic planning can result only terrible disaster not only Korea but entire free world.”

Foreign Minister said “Communist forces outnumber combined ROK-U.S. forces, are equipped with most up-to-date weapons,” and referred to presence large forces across Yalu. “Our economic difficulties, however great, do not justify any move that would create opportunity renewed Communist aggression.”

Citing recent historical consequences military unpreparedness, he concluded: “It only too clear we will be repeating same mistakes if reduce strength ROK forces without providing them and U.S. forces Korea with most modern and effective weapons available today.”

According Tonga Ilbo and Korea Times, Foreign Minister denied ROK received official notification by U.S. of troop reductions but conceded receipt informal notices.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/7–2957. Unclassified.