230. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (Wilson)1


  • Introduction of 280mm Gun and Honest John into Korea
Reference is made to a memorandum by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, dated 19 June 1957, subject: “U.S. Policy Toward Korea.”2 The memorandum directs that once the announcement has been made in the Military Armistice Commission that the United States is proceeding to modernize the defenses of the United Nations Command in Korea, the U.S. forces deployed in Korea will be modernized; [3-1/2 lines of source text not declassified]. This announcement in the Military Armistice Commission was made on 21 June 1957.3
The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that the introduction of the 280mm gun and Honest John into Korea at this time would have the following advantages to the United States:
It would assist the United States during current negotiations with President Rhee in obtaining agreement to a reduction of the Republic of Korea forces.
It would accomplish complete modernization of U.S. forces in one action thereby denying the Communists another opportunity to exploit United Nations’ action for propaganda purposes.
This consideration is based upon the following:
On 30 June 1957, General Lemnitzer stated that President Rhee and other officials of the Government of the Republic of Korea had come to believe that there are severe reservations on the part of the United States to provide the optimum modernization of United States/United Nations forces in Korea. Accordingly, President Rhee could be expected to resist a reduction of Republic of Korea forces.4
The modernization of U.S. ground forces in Korea is to be completed by reorganizing the 7th and 24th Infantry Divisions under the “Pentomic Concept” and re-equipping Corps type units. Under this concept each division requires two Honest John launchers to provide long-range fire support on area type targets. The 280mm gun is required at Corps level to supply long-range fire support on precision [Page 468] type targets. Without these weapons the modernization of ground forces in Korea is limited. The weapons are available in the theater for introduction into Korea.
Since the United Nations Command has announced its intention to modernize in Korea, it should accomplish the modernization as one action. Treating the introduction of the Honest John and 280mm gun as a separate action would only highlight such action to the Communists as a basis for propaganda.
Accordingly, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend that the Secretary of Defense, after consultation with the Secretary of State, take appropriate action to obtain Presidential authorization for the immediate introduction of the 280mm gun and Honest John [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] into Korea.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Arthur Radford5
Joint Chiefs of Staff
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 61 B 1672, 471.6 Korea. Top Secret. A covering note to Admiral Radford from General Wentworth, Secretary to the JCS, attached to a copy of this memorandum, indicates that it was derived from JCS 1776/578, “Introduction of 280mm Gun and Honest John into Korea.” (National Archives and Records Administration, RG 218, JCS Records, CCS 383.21 Korea (3–19–45)(2); JCS 1776/578 attached thereto)
  2. Not found. A note on a draft of this memorandum attached to JCS 1776/578, cited in footnote 1 above, indicates that a copy of this memorandum was attached to JCS 1776/575.
  3. See Document 225.
  4. See telegram FE 805592, Supra.
  5. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.