153. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea1
788. Tokyo also pass CINCUNC. Meeting of 16 June 5 considered reports by UN Command of MAC May 31 and June 4 meetings.2 In June 4 meeting Communists indicated willingness agree temporary withdrawal of teams DZ provided right retained despatch teams ports of entry on request. Information received Swedish Ambassador Washington communicated 16 that Swedish Government instructing Chief Delegate NNSC propose immediately in NNSC with regard situation resulting UNC removal notice that teams withdraw provisionally DZ from south and north Korea. If this proposal not accepted by NNSC, Swedish Delegate instructed order Swedish representatives proceed DZ. Sixteen further informed basis information from Swedish Ambassador that Chinese Communists gave Swedish Government written reply June 2 accepting March 16 Swedish proposal withdraw temporary DZ but reserving right of NNSC send teams north and south Zones as need arose. Meeting had no authoritative information Swiss position but was informed of report meeting of NNSC had been called by Swiss and Swedes for June 5.
In light above British have taken position UNC action remove NNSC and NNITs to DZ should be delayed pending full clarification Swiss and Swedish intentions. British hope removal can be accomplished voluntary basis rather than by UNC. British also pointed out their May 28 note says 16 fully support Swedish proposal.
U.S. said could not accept any change in schedule for removal June 9 but pointed out several days remain for further study situation and suggested 16 meet June 6 or 7 when further information Swiss and Swedish intentions should be available. Group assured removal not to be effected by Command until further instructions from Washington.
[Page 278]Report niact any information results NNSC June 5 meeting or Swiss and Swedish intentions.3
Embassies Stockholm and Bern may inform Governments we still intend proceed with removal June 9 and would naturally welcome voluntary withdrawal part NNSC or Swiss and Swedes acting independently prior that date, but will have to stand by our MAC statement re conditions re-entry.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/6–556. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Nes and Hemmendinger; approved by Jones; and cleared with WE, UNP, and L/ UNA. Also sent to Bern, Stockholm, London, and Tokyo.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 150, and footnote 2, Document 151.↩
- In telegram 1221 from Seoul, June 6, the Embassy reported that UNCMAC had received a letter dated June 5, signed by all of the members of the NNSC, in which the NNSC unanimously recommended that the MAC agree to provisional withdrawal of the NNITs to the demilitarized zone. The NNSC considered the withdrawal to be provisional in the sense that it did not change the legal status of the NNSC. (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/6–656)↩