134. Telegram From the Embassy in Sweden to the Department of State1

1018. Lind Foreign Office Bureau Chief informed us today Chinese answered Swedish demarche of month ago suggesting conference of 16 nations as reply Swedish proposals. Swedes now propose reply this communication after Swiss approval stating: (1) regret Chinese would not accept Swedish compromise proposal (that teams might be sent out when need arose upon decision of NNSC); (2) repeating basic Swedish position favoring abolition all NNSC teams; (3) Sweden still willing accept its compromise, however (4) lacking such compromise and absence any new agreement prepared for time being accept proposal made earlier by Chinese reducing number teams from 6 (3 on each side) to 2 (1 on each side) with NNSC retaining right despatch teams to places from which other two teams withdrawn in case of need.

Lind volunteered he did not think US would be pleased by proposed Swedish reply but saw two advances: it would reduce number teams, thus relative improvement, and it showed Sweden did not accept Chinese reply linking matter to proposal for conference. Emphasized Sweden unable pull out NNSC because importance it placed on its international responsibilities. Speculated if Chinese accept Swedish proposal all well for time being so far Sweden concerned, although recognized temporary nature solution. If Chinese do not accept, which he did not think likely, claimed Swedish Government would take dim view, but emphasized speculative nature this phase discussion. Stated Ambassador Boheman informed about proposed Swedish reply. Swedes of course do not know if Swiss will accept.

Other Foreign Office source states Unden2 approved above in past 24 hours. Swedish Chargé Washington being informed but no instructions given him.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/4–2556. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Tokyo, London, Bern, Paris, and Seoul.
  2. Bo Östen Unden, Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs.