433. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Southwest Pacific Affairs (Mein) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson)1


  • National Elections in the Philippines

With reference to the recent discussions in your office concerning the elections in the Philippines, you may be interested in Telegram No. 1067 from Manila,2 Tab A, and portions of Despatch No. 213 from Manila,3 Tab B.

The Embassy’s telegram reports a conversation Bill Walker had with Manahan in which the latter discussed the lack of financial backing. The Embassy reports that Manahan is gaining more rapidly than any other candidate, but concludes that on the basis of present indications Garcia is still likely to be the successful candidate in the November elections.

The Embassy reached the same conclusion in its despatch which was transmitted before the telegram. The chances of the Progressive Party are discussed on pages 6, 7, and 8 with the more interesting items underscored. You will notice that the Embassy points out that the problem of raising funds continues to plague the party and that their financial resources are practically exhausted, so that unless the party can obtain additional financial support it will be difficult to exploit and hold the popular enthusiasm that Manahan appears to be generating.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 796.00/9–2157. Secret.
  2. Dated September 18, not printed. (Ibid., 796.00/9–1857)
  3. Dated September 11, not found in Department of State files.
  4. Howard P. Jones wrote the following comment on the source text: “Evidence that our decision last week was the right one.” No reference to this decision has been found in Department of State files.