32. Editorial Note
On August 31, S. Everett Gleason transmitted to the National Security Council Parts 5, 6, and 7 of NSC 5525, “Status of National Security Programs on June 30, 1955.” The remaining parts of this report, which consisted of eight sections and an appendix, were subsequently transmitted to the Council as they were received from the responsible agencies. For information on the contents of and the agency responsible for each section, see Document 12. In his covering note, Gleason stated that beginning with NSC 5525, all status reports would henceforth be submitted on an annual, rather than a semiannual basis.
A copy of NSC 5525, without Parts 1 and 3, is in Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5525 Series. Copies of Parts 1 and 3 are ibid.,S/S–RD Files: Lot 71 D 171. The Top Secret portions of Part 3, however, are not included in the Department of State copy; according to a covering memorandum, they were given only a “special, limited distribution.” Portions of NSC 5525 were discussed at the 264th, 265th, and 269th meetings of the National Security Council on November 3 and 10 and December 8. The memoranda of discussion at those meetings are in the Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Part 2 of NSC 5525 is printed in volume X, page 15. The portion of the memorandum of discussion at the December 8 NSC meeting that considered Part 2 of NSC 5525 is ibid., page 44. Part 6, prepared by USIA, is printed in volume IX, page 529.