12. Editorial Note
On March 2, Executive Secretary James Lay transmitted to the National Security Council Parts 2, 3, and 5 of NSC 5509, “Status of United States Programs for National Security as of December 31, 1954.” The remaining portions of the report were subsequently submitted to the Council as they were received from the responsible agencies. Part 1, The Military Program, was prepared by the Department of Defense; Part 2, The Mutual Security Program, was prepared by the Defense Department and the Foreign Operations Administration pursuant to NSC 5434/1, “Procedure for Periodic NSC Review of Military Assistance Programs,” dated October 18, 1954. Part 3, The Atomic Energy Program, was prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission; Part 4, The Mobilization Program (Including Stockpiling), was prepared by the Office of Defense Mobilization; Part 5, The Civil Defense Program, was prepared by the Federal Civil Defense Administration; Part 6, The USIA Program, was prepared by the United States Information Agency; Part 7, The Foreign Intelligence Program and Related Activities, was prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and concurred in by the Intelligence Advisory Committee; Part 8, The Internal Security Program, was prepared jointly by the Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference and the Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security; and the Annex, Activities of the OCB, was prepared by the Operations Coordinating Board.
[Page 59]Part 6 is printed in volume IX, page 504. Part 7, which was submitted on March 4, is not printed. (Department of State, S/S–NSC Files: Lot 63 D 351, NSC 5509 Series) A copy of NSC 5509, without Parts 1 and 3, is ibid. A copy of Part 1 is ibid.,S/S–RD Files: Lot 71 D 171. Part 3 has not been found in Department of State files and the Department’s copy of NSC 5509 contains a note stating that it was given special limited distribution.
Various portions of NSC 5509 were discussed at the 236th, 243d, 246th, and 247th meetings of the National Security Council on February 10, March 31, April 7, April 28, and May 5. For the memorandum of discussion at the April 7 meeting, see Document 20. Copies of the other NSC memoranda of discussion are in the Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.