418. Telegram From the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State1

1. General Burns came to see me last night on what he termed important business. He felt as result his recent talks with Ben Gurion and Myerson (Jerusalem 244 to Department2) that Israel now likely take unilateral action with Jordan in event border incidents continue. According to Burns Ben Gurion made it clear if neither UN or Jordan authorities able prevent future border firing by Jordanians Israel would have to take its own measures. Ben Gurion remarked there was King of Jordan and commander of military forces who should maintain order and prevent border troubles by their military. Instead they busy threatening Israel. Myerson asked how Jordanian soldier on border could be expected be restrained when his leaders loudly proclaiming Jordan going to destroy Israel.

Second point made by Ben Gurion was his interpretation of article VIII of GAA establishing in principle right of Israel access to Mount Scopus through creation of committee charged with finding practical ways for such access. Burns description Ben Gurion’s comment this point followed closely reftel adding ref also made to access to Wailing Wall. In view extent of discussion this subject and emphasis placed thereon Burns thought GOI may have some well–devised plan for action in direction assuring access Mount Scopus in event Jordan border incident gives Israel excuse retaliate. Burns said he told Ben Gurion he did not interpret GAA as he did; that committee was agency to decide practical solution problems connected with access Mount Scopus. These statements taken in connection with Ben Gurion’s unequivocal assertion to Burns he did not share UNSYG’s contention that retaliatory action by Israel would be in fact violation of GAA (Ben Gurion maintaining such action to be defensive) seemed to upset Burns who has reported conversation to UNSYG. He thought I should know situation. He informed British Chargé3 also in view of fact Ben Gurion expected to call him in and discuss direct British interest in Jordan actions.

Burns told me he is visiting Amman Monday July 2 and will inform Jordan authorities Ben Gurion attitude re continued border [Page 767] incidents and Mount Scopus.4 He said he expected “blast” from them as well. He will see British Ambassador Duke. Telegram with comments and suggestions follows.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85/7–256. Secret; Priority. Received at 2:02 p.m. Sent also to Amman and repeated to London, Paris, Cairo, Beirut, and Damascus.
  2. Printed as telegram 465, supra.
  3. Peter Alan Westlake.
  4. See Document 421.
  5. Infra.