417. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1

465. General Burns told me following yesterday. At interview with Ben–Gurion and Myerson June 28, Ben–Gurion raised two main [Page 765] points (1) Jordan border incidents, and (2) alleged Jordanian noncompliance Article VIII of Israel–Jordan GAA. Burns frankly alarmed at what he believes may be Ben–Gurion’s intentions for dealing with both problems.

Ben–Gurion emphasized deterioration Jordan border, culminating in Qalqylia incident June 24 (Contel 4642). Ben–Gurion alleges public threats of King Hussein and Abu Nuwwar responsible, as they naturally translated by Jordanian frontier guards into action. Ben–Gurion told Burns he does not consider that cease–fire arranged by UNSYG3 precludes Israeli retaliation such incidents. … If events follow this order, Burns says it may be almost impossible for him to name aggressor. He considers that UNSYG’s cease–fire does not permit retaliation, though self–defensive fire if other party crosses DL and perhaps covering protective fire may be allowable… . Burns hopes to persuade Abu Nuwwar on July 2 to exercise greater control over frontier guards, prevent cycle of incidents. He thinks Egypt does not want war now but cannot gauge extent her influence on Jordan border.
Ben–Gurion alleges Jordan longstanding violation of Article VIII of GAA concerning Israel access to cultural institutions Mount Scopus, religious sites, and direct Tel Aviv–Jerusalem road via Latroun. Ben–Gurion claims this violation invalidates rest of GAA, therefore “the armistice line does not exist.” Burns comment: Article VIII guarantees no rights to either side, merely provides for a committee to discuss the matters referred to. Ben–Gurion refuses to recognize this, refers to “Israeli rights”… .

New subject. Burns has told Israelis verbally to remove fortifications in central DZ on Syrian border. He is drafting written request. He does not expect Israeli compliance.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85/6–3056. Secret; Priority. Received at 1:53 p.m. Repeated to Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Cole informed the Department in telegram 464, June 29, that an incident had occurred on June 24 near Qalqylia which had resulted in the deaths of two IDF frontier police and the wounding of one member of the Jordanian National Guard, and that the Jordan–Israel Mixed Armistice Commission on June 28 had adopted a “Jordanian resolution condemning Israel for firing across lines in border incident of June 24 caused [causing] withdrawal of Israel counter resolution and condemnation of MAC by both Doron and Israel Foreign Ministry spokesman for ‘white–washing’ Jordanian aggression and equalizing blame”. (Ibid., 684A.85/6–2956)
  3. See Documents 317 and 320.