356. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

2285. Reference Deptel 2747.2 Have nothing that could be called “evidence” that Egyptians now seriously considering acceptance Soviet offer High Dam… . Our concern relates more to general growing feeling that West not prepared for policy reasons follow through on its own offer. There is more skepticism now also as trend United States press is watched as to whether US at least could effectively do so as regards funds from Congress.

While we have frequently reported anything connected with arms for Israel takes priority over everything else we speculate that future of High Dam might have stayed GOE hand on recognition Red China but for fact they probably have feeling we not going follow through anyway.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 874.2614/5–1856. Secret. Received at 10:37 p.m.
  2. The Department of State in telegram 2747, May 17, asked the Embassy in Cairo if it had “received any recent indications Egyptians seriously considering acceptance Soviet offer assist construction Aswan High Dam”. (Ibid., 874.2614/5–1556)