355. Telegram From the Consulate General at Jerusalem to the Department of State1
450. Have discussed matters reported Contel 4462 with Vigier and Hommel of UNTSO who have provided details outlined herewith.
Deadlock respecting meetings EIMAC continues with no indication that it may be broken at an early date, and formal adoption in [Page 652] MAC of arrangement covering establishment observer posts on both sides Gaza D/L thus is being frustrated. Israelis have continued to maintain that if MAC were to meet at El Auja Egyptian delegate must proceed there by road from Rafiah. Egyptians have insisted their delegates entitled proceed by any road they wish and stated willingness use only road from Ismailiya. Israelis have resisted this evidently because they have military positions along that road which they do not wish Egyptians to observe. On the other hand, Hommel reports that Egyptians have mined the Rafiah road and presumably do not wish remove mines to permit travel over it.
Vigier stated that Israelis have recently broadened the character of their objections to MAC meeting at El Auja, regardless Egyptians route of travel there, by advancing new argument to effect that MAC should not meet there “now that articles 7 and 8 of the GAA may be regarded as in a state of suspense.” Israelis have, however, asserted that they would agree readily to MAC meetings at K–95 or elsewhere that vicinity, where meetings were held in past owing convenience that location. Egyptians unwilling accede latter suggestion, wishing as matter of principle maintain rights with respect El Auja D/Z which not already lost through establishment of Kibbutz in D/Z stationing of Israeli troops in D/Z, and Burns concession allowing 30 Israeli “police” there. Egyptians would perhaps be willing meet elsewhere later, but feel they must initially maintain in principle right to meet at El Auja as established by GAA.
According Vigier, Ben Gurion has departed to spend week-end at Sde Boker. Since latter has taken charge of questions arising agreement with UNSYG respecting establishment of UN observer posts each side Gaza strip D/L, such matters appear likely remain in abeyance at least for next few days, although Tekoah assured UNTSO today “he is doing his best” make progress toward reactivating MAC. Since when negotiating on subject with UNSYG Ben Gurion gave no indication that Israelis would place any obstacles in way of MAC meeting to adopt arrangements re Gaza D/L, Vigier pointed out their tactic now raising difficulties this point might well appear as breach of understanding with UNSYG. Vigier added that, anticipating line now being followed by Israelis, Egyptians had proposed that arrangements should be adopted by MAC chairman, rather than by MAC itself. Israelis would not accept this.
In commenting on above, Vigier expressed view that Israelis basic attitude toward UNTSO and observers has not changed… . Vigier pointed out similarity this present situation and treatment accorded by Israelis to UNSYG proposals of November 4 relative El Auja.3 …
[Page 653]Comment: While Vigier frequently takes pessimistic view UNTSO affairs … , his presentation of facts as related above is doubtless generally correct and his conclusions do not seem unreasonable in light past experience. Perhaps Department and Embassies would wish consider feasibility some initiative with parties overcome deadlock concerning MAC meeting. Burns expects depart for New York May 22.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/5–1856. Confidential; Priority. Received at 4:10 p.m. Also sent to Cairo and Tel Aviv; repeated to Amman, Beirut, Damascus, London, Paris, and New York.↩
- Document 344.↩
- See telegrams 395 and 398, vol. XIV, pp. 690 and 702.↩