337. Telegram From the Embassy in Syria to the Department of State1

1043. Embtel 1034.2 In view apparent discrepancies between texts Hammarskjold–Ghazzi May 2 exchange of letters as released locally by GOS and version described to Embassy by UN source, ISMAC Chairman3 asked UNTSO Headquarters Jerusalem for copies authentic texts …. Comparison UN texts with those published by GOS (Embtel 10334) reveals following discrepancies:

Ghazzi letter to Hammarskjold accompanied by following addendum which not published by GOS: “GOS, while reserving to itself right of legitimate defense recognized by UN Charter, reiterates its unconditional acceptance of provisions of paragraph 2, Article III of Syro-Israeli GAA”.
In first paragraph his letter to Ghazzi, Hammarskjold quoted above statement verbatim. In published version, GOS deleted it and substituted therefor phrase “relative to paragraph 2, Article II of GAA”.

Apart from above discrepancies, versions transmitted Embtel 1033 conform to texts supplied by UNTSO with exception minor translation differences resulting from fact Embassy translations based on Arabic version whereas original letters written in French.

Contrary original impression UN source, who not present for entire HammarskjoldGOS discussion May 2, UNSYG finally agreed to inclusion of reference, in Ghazzi’s letter, October 27, 1953 SC resolution.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/5–756. Secret; Priority. Received at 12:43 p.m. Also sent to Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Telegram 1034 from Damascus, May 4, described the discrepancies between the letters, and noted, “This may indicate GOS fears accusation it failed secure adequate protection its position this question and possible domestic repercussions therefrom.” (Ibid., 684A.86/5–456)
  3. Lieutenant Colonel J.P. Castonguay.
  4. Document 328.