304. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1

2124. A usually well informed source, with comparatively good channels of information, has informed Embassy of a report that considerable friction was engendered in the RCC as result of Nasser’s virtually unreserved cooperation with the Hammarskjold mission and Nasser’s failure to work out an agreed position with his RCC colleagues beforehand. The report goes on to state that several members of RCC expressed their views in a memo which they asked Gen. Hakim Amer present to Prime Minister. It is alleged that Prime Minister upon being shown the memo by Hakim Amer criticized the latter for having accepted it and for not having dealt with RCC members by setting forth reasons which motivated Nasser in cooperating with Hammarskjold. Connected with this report is rumor that a degree of coolness has developed between Nasser and Gen. Hakim Amer.

Source went on to say that Hammarskjold will, because of RCC reaction referred above, find Nasser less amenable when he revisits Cairo during course of this mission.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.74/4–2456. Secret. Received at 4 p.m. Repeated to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and USUN.