295. Telegram From the Embassy in Egypt to the Department of State1
2091. Department telegram 2516.2Al Ahram reported Political Committee discussed JVP April 9 “since it had been said that Mister Johnston has decided to restudy his project. Discussion concluded that Arab States continued adhere to their previously announced position to hold to Arab plan”.
However texts Political Committee’s agenda and resolutions and minutes Council which approved them … do not indicate JVP was on committee’s agenda or discussed by council on considering committee’s report. We expect receive more information later this week but would appear that league took no specific action on JVP at this session.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85322/4–1956. Secret. Received at 2:35 p.m.↩
- Telegram 2516, April 17, instructed the Embassy in Cairo to send a “brief summary Arab League Council deliberations and resolutions re Jordan Valley Plan.” (Ibid., 684A.85322/4–1756)↩
- In telegram 972, April 19, Moose informed the Department that Ghazzi the previous day had informed him that the Arab States had reached no final decision on the Jordan Valley Plan at the recent Cairo Arab League meeting. (Ibid. 786.00/4-1956)↩