292. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1

6283. For Ambassador from Secretary. Please convey Eden and Lloyd my appreciation message handed me by British Embassy April 18 outlining plans for talks with Russians.2 I am particularly grateful offer to keep us currently informed of how talks go.

Please also inform them that we are giving careful thought to implications recent Soviet statement on ME3 as well as to how it should affect our attitude and actions. British will, of course, be discussing matter with Bulganin and Khrushchev and if Eden and Lloyd care to know my preliminary thinking upon certain aspects, you might tell them about as follows:

It would seem to me that the more talks can be directed to Arab-Israeli problem and United Nations the better it would be. In order to test Soviet good will and sincerity, it might be useful to explore with Soviets their willingness to support efforts in UN to find an early Palestine solution along lines common to Soviet statement and UK and US positions. This connection, it might be well to ascertain whether Soviets would give substance to their statement by supporting SC resolution which would call upon Hammarskjold, following his return and report upon present mission, to consult parties to armistices and make recommendations concerning elements of a just settlement.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.6141/4–1956. Top Secret; Priority. Drafted by Rountree and Dulles and approved by Dulles and Macomber who signed for Dulles.
  2. Neither Merchant’s memorandum of Dulles’ conversation with Coulson on April 18, nor the telegram from Selwyn Lloyd, the substance of which was given to Dulles in the form of a memorandum, is printed. (Ibid., 033.6141/4–1856)
  3. See supra.
  4. In telegram 4770, April 20, Aldrich reported that he conveyed the substance of Dulles’ message to Lloyd in a letter rather than in person, in an effort to avoid arousing public speculation. (Department of State, Central Files, 033.6141/4–2056)