24. Telegram From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1

2470. I took opportunity May 17 discuss Department telegram 27072 with Prime Minister pursuant instructions therein making clear US deprecated idea of arms race between GOP and GOI and [Page 80] purpose of US MDA was strengthen Pakistan forces for other purposes which should be clearly understood. Prime Minister said fully appreciated USG position and emphasized their increased interest in bombers was not due desire greater force vis-à-vis India for had lived without undue fear India for several years despite overwhelming superior military power of India. Pakistanis wanted bombers to avoid qualitative inferiority and to keep India aware of Pakistan’s retaliatory power, although power ratios unaffected.

Prime Minister went on to point out that India’s policy was aimed at containment and possible absorption of Pakistan. He referred to fact that London Economist had recently published article indicating Indian belief that 3 to 1 superiority over Pakistan in armaments was essential Indian policy. Prime Minister pointed out US bombers would be required to keep Pakistan ratio strength up to level of 1 to 3 and went on to say if GOI argued for 3 to 1 ratio it could not be because of any fear complex in Indian minds nor could GOI be thinking purely in terms of defense against Pakistan. Ratio of 1 to 1 should be enough for defense purposes as the country on defensive had certain, obvious advantages over aggressor.

Embassy awaits Department’s instruction re Embassy telegram 2418.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790D.5–MSP/5–1856. Secret. Repeated to Paris for Woodruff Wallner, Counselor of the Embassy in France and Political Adviser to the European Command in Paris.
  2. Dated May 16, not printed. (Ibid., 790D.5622/5–1056)
  3. Supra.