352. Minutes of the Secretary’s Staff Meeting, Department of State, Washington, July 3, 19571

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9. Haiti—Mr. Snow said that Haiti is still politically unstable and noted we have recognized four different regimes in the last few weeks. Ambassador Drew has recommended that we put off until July 12 a decision on recognition of the current three-man Junta of disparate unknowns.2 The IMF moreover is considering what, if anything, can be done to stabilize Haiti’s deteriorating balance of payments situation; a $5 million fund may be needed, but until the aid appropriations are passed the Department cannot comment concretely. The Secretary wondered whether we should continue recognizing unstable Haitian governments and wished the question of recognition of the current Junta thoroughly thought through; he was inclined to think we should not, in the absence of strong affirmative reasons, extend recognition until they show some evidence of stability. Mr. Snow noted that this time, unlike the recent occasions, the other Latin American Republics seem to be awaiting our action before deciding their own course.

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  1. Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Staff Meetings: Lot 63 D 75. Secret. Extract.
  2. The members of the Junta were General Antonio Kebreau, Colonel Adrien Valvule, and Colonel Emile Zamor.