74. Telegram From the Office of the High Commissioner for Austria to the Department of State1

2766. Following is clean text of proposed Austrian neutrality declaration as tabled by Austrians in Foreign Ministers’ meeting May 14 and referred to in Embtel 2764.2

Begin text: “Whereas Austria, in the proclamation of April 27, 1945, solemnly declared the restoration of her independence;

“Whereas Austria is convinced that, as an independent, sovereign and free state, she can make her special contribution toward the maintenance of world peace and order in Europe;

“Whereas Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, in the Moscow Declaration of Oct 30, 1943, and France, through the Declaration of Nov 16, 1943, wanted to see restored a free independent Austria;

“Whereas France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, through the signing of the Austrian State Treaty on May 15, 1955, once again have manifested their conviction that the inviolability of the territory of the Austrian state is in the interest of the policy of all Europe; and

“Whereas in the preamble to the Austrian State Treaty, France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America declare their readiness to support Austria’s application for admission to the organization of the United Nations, and since in the past Austria herself has repeatedly manifested her serious desire to contribute, as a member of the United Nations, toward the accomplishment of the principles embodied in the United Nations Charter;

“The Nationalrat (Parliament) on the occasion of the signing of the State Treaty Concerning the Restoration of an Independent and Democratic Austria on May 15, 1955, adopts the following resolution:

“Austria declares, with the object of the lasting and perpetual maintenance of her independence from without and the inviolability of her territory, as well as in the interest of maintenance of internal law and order, of her own free will her perpetual neutrality, and is resolved to maintain and defend it with all means at her disposal.

“Austria, in order to secure these objectives henceforth will in the future join no military alliances and will not permit the establishment of military bases of foreign states in her territory.

“Austria, in this connection, declares her desire to observe at all times in her relations with other states the principles laid down in the United Nations Charter, and once again voices her willingness and ability to accede to and observe the obligations contained in the Charter.

[Page 115]

“The Federal Government is requested to submit to the Nationalrat (Parliament) the draft of a Federal constitutional law regulating the neutrality;

“To take all steps in order to achieve the final admission to the organization of the United Nations, for which Austria has already applied on — 1947;

“To inform all states of this law with the request for recognition of Austria’s neutrality as soon as the Austrian State Treaty has entered into effect and Austria has been evacuated of the occupation forces.” End text.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–VI/5–1455. Official Use Only; Niact. Repeated to London, Paris, Moscow, and Bonn.
  2. Supra.