65. Telegram From the Delegation at the Vienna Ambassadorial Conference to the Delegation at the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting, at Paris1

428. Paris for USDel. After Soviets had conceded Article 33 in plenary session this afternoon (reported separately2) remainder meeting was in restricted session. Inconclusive debate Article 35 reported separately,3 and conference turned to remaining outstanding points:

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Article 45, Paragraph 2. Figl stated that since other delegations had said Yugoslavs opinion must be heard and Austria does not wish delay treaty, he would withdraw his proposal. He made statement for record, however, that Austria expects four great powers will approve any bilateral later agreed with Yugoslavs that modifies Article 45. Thus both paragraphs Article 45 remain unchanged.

Article 48, Paragraph 1. After Ilyichev had obtained Austrian statement that Austria does not object to deletion, all agreed delete Paragraph 1.

Article 49. Soviets maintained firm refusal delete, and US Ambassador then agreed retention in order speed up treaty work although repeated his preference deletion for reasons previously explained. Others followed suit, and Article 49 remains in treaty.

Article 59. After Soviet accession it was agreed retain Article with modification, to make German language authentic text. Also decided against earlier US suggestion omit seals (trust Secretary carrying seal as Department had indicated he would).

Annexes I, VIII and X. After Soviet statements willingness delete entire texts all three, other delegations agreed and annexes deleted.

Article 54. French suggested that since there remains one military and one economic Annex, it would be preferable place Article 54 under Part X, “Final Clauses,” instead of present position under “Miscellaneous Economic Provisions.” French further suggested article be revised to read along lines, “the provisions of the Annexes shall be considered to be part of the treaty and have force and effect as integral parts of the present treaty.” After Figl and US Ambassador agreed, Soviets suggested passing both matters to Secretariat for disposition, which conference agreed.

Article 38. Although previously agreed Article 38 should remain unchanged, Soviets today expressed desire meet Austrian wishes and proposed adoption US compromise revision previously reported.4 New Soviet proposal was agreed, and Article 38 will be revised by adding words, “and without prejudice to the validity of settlements already reached,” in paragraph 3.

Annex IX. At last minute, Soviets reraised Annex saying that since Austrians wish it dropped, Soviets would agree now. UK, however, reserved.

Dual signing. US Ambassador raised question whether Ambassadors as well as Foreign Ministers would sign treaty. He said he understood it was UK practice and that US prepared for dual signature, although Washington would have to telegraph full powers. French and Austrians agreeable, but after saying each government should [Page 103] decide independently, Soviet Ambassador said he would inform his government.

Preamble. Figl made long impassioned plea for deletion third paragraph. Among points made were that it is not only politically and ideologically, but juridicially, difficult for Austria, that during war Austria was under foreign domination and thus not capable assuming national responsibility, that paragraph inconsistent with intentions and spirit of treaty, particularly if Austria is to carry out political and moral tasks of a peaceful neutral, guilt label inappropriate. If paragraph retained, Parliament could only solemnly reserve its right. US, UK and French Ambassadors took note Figl’s statement and agreed deletion. Soviet Ambassador, however, stated he not authorized discuss subject “at this conference.” When French Chargé asked whether Soviet Ambassador wished discuss matter tomorrow or reserve subject for others, latter replied he had nothing to add.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 396.1–VI/5–1255. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to London, Moscow, Washington and pouched to Rome and Bonn. The source text is the copy sent to Washington.
  2. Telegram 2704 from Vienna, May 11, reported that the Soviet Delegation had accepted the French proposal for Article 33 during the unrestricted part of the eighth meeting. (Ibid., 396.1–VI/5–1155)
  3. Telegram 425, infra.
  4. See Document 45.