246. Delegation Record of the Eighth (Restricted) Quadripartite Foreign Ministers Meeting, Geneva, July 23, 1955, 12:50 p.m.1
- France
- M. Pinay
- M. Joxe
- M. Crouy-Chanel
- Mr. Dulles
- Mr. Merchant
- Mr. Phleger
- UK
- Mr. Macmillan
- Sir I. Kirkpatrick
- Mr. Caccia
- Mr. Hood
- Mr. Molotov
- Mr. Malik
- Mr. Zarubin
- Mr. Vinogradov
Pinay (in the Chair) opened the meeting.
Macmillan said that as he understood it, he was to work out by 2 p.m. the language for the disarmament directive. It would require some care in drafting. He would have it available to distribute later. He was also responsible for producing the text on the German consultation amendment as agreed.
Molotov asked whether they were to discuss M. Pinay’s amendment. He said he would like to see a text of it.
Dulles said that there was also a question of who was charged with preparing a text on the fourth agenda item (contacts between East and West).
Pinay asked who it should be.
Macmillan commented that they had not had the pleasure of hearing Marshal Bulganin’s speech on this subject. He wondered whether the experts could not draft a text for the directive while the Heads met later.
Pinay observed that it was difficult to consider the Bulganin speech without a translation.
Molotov replied that the UK view was not known either.
Macmillan said that he thought that a translation of Sir Anthony Eden’s speech had already been circulated.
Molotov said that he had not seen a text yet and he had heard that there had been a lapse in its translation. They had understood that it would be heard at today’s meeting.
[Page 503]Macmillan said that if things went well, they might let the Heads of Government continue their discussion at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. It was up to the Heads of course to decide.
Pinay thought they lacked time. It would not be possible with President Eisenhower leaving.
Macmillan said that if they could reach agreement the Heads of Government could go into the council chambers and complete their speeches. They would all like to have the pleasure of hearing Marshal Bulganin’s speech if all went well. There could then be a simple directive written telling the Foreign Ministers in October to take up this subject where the Heads left it off.
Pinay said that he agreed with Macmillan.
Molotov said that he agreed.
Pinay suggested that they adjourn.
(All agreed. Meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.)
- Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 510. Secret. Regarding the drafting of this record, see footnote 1, supra. This section, drafted entirely by Merchant, comprises pages 12–13 of the composite record.↩