223. Message From the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson) to the Secretary of State1

Msg nr 8. Radford, Rankin, and I met for hour with Yeh on 25. Substance follows:

We surprised Chiang’s reaction to proposal as meaningless and his statement Communists would welcome it. Yeh repeated Chiang meant give up islands without struggle welcome to Communists and interdiction not offset disadvantages. We pointed out lowered ChiNat prestige throughout world and fact some allies might leave us if provoked too far. Made point active United States support main factor keeping ChiNat prestige from going lower. United States and world opinion strongly against war. US Government and Congress sensitive to public opinion and successful policy must have public support.

Any act of ChiNats or United States and ChiNats which precipitates war will set public opinion against us. We think if proposal accepted and announced at EisenhowerChiang meeting most of our allies will get behind us. Stressed fact that interdiction very serious step and one which might evoke Communist reaction. Said that war evolved we would be on defensive side and be backed by United States and allied opinion.

Yeh said he not think interdiction would hurt Communists much nor did he think it would bring any Communist reaction except talk. Said he sure present Communist peace offensive will continue until they sure cannot detach Formosa by talk, then they will attack; not before. He pointed out Chiang plus all of Cabinet have publicly pledged to defend off-shore islands and would lose support at home and with overseas Chinese if evacuated without fight. Said with bigger air force ChiNats could hold islands several months even though would eventually lose them. Felt loss after fight better politically than evacuation.

We stated we willing stay for further talks with Chiang if desirable or leave now if no further talks desired.

No opportunity for more than general talk after dinner last night. Meeting tonight for what may be final conversation. Unless otherwise instructed may leave for States tomorrow (Wednesday). No word from you today.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.5800/4–2155. Top Secret; Eyes Only; Emergency. Transmitted in telegram 261300Z from Chief MAAG Formosa to CNO. Received at the Department of Defense at 9:45 a.m.