Editor’s Note: In the index, annotation, and documents of this volume the spelling of Chinese names follows the Wade-Giles system of transliteration, according to contemporary usage.
- Acheson, Dean, 22
- Adenauer, Konrad, 254
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 200–202, 212–213, 218–219, 265, 291–292, 518–519, 645–646, 653–655
- Ali, Mohammed, 525, 532, 554–555, 591–593
- Allen, George V., 622–626, 631–637
- Allison, John M., 12–13
- Anderson, Rear Adm. George W., 250
- Anderson, Robert B., 505–506
- Arends, Leslie G., 58, 67
- Asian-African Conference. See Bandung Conference.
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 86–90, 137, 165, 225n, 336–338, 349, 355–357, 370, 379, 410, 459, 510, 513, 587, 595
- Attlee, Clement, 138
- Australia:
- Bandung Conference, 340, 455, 498, 554–557
- Barbour, Walworth, 681
- Barnes, Robert G., 655–656
- Belaúnde, Victor A., 228
- Bell, James D., 463–464
- Berlin Conference of Foreign Ministers (1954), 535n
- Bevan, Aneurin, 138
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 412, 414
- Bohlen, Charles E., 99, 114–115, 147–149, 158–159, 177–178, 210–212, 217–218, 248, 289–291, 314, 351, 587–588, 673–674
- Bowie, Robert R., 52, 238–240, 354, 410–411, 413, 473–475
- Bradshaw, Wilda, 435
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 92
- Bulganin, Nikolai Alexandrovich, 289, 329, 670–671
- Burma, 135–136, 352, 616–622, 629
- Butterworth, W. Walton, 562, 649–650
- Byrd, Harry Flood, 67
- Byroade, Henry A., 644–645
- Cambodia, 651–652, 380n
- Canada, 384, 416n
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 9–11, 20, 104–105, 142, 151, 216, 217n, 250, 329, 358, 504
- Casey, Richard G., 313
- Central Intelligence Agency (see also
National Intelligence Estimates), 349
- China, People’s Republic of, military situation, 616–618
- China, Republic of, subversion issue, 381–384
- “Reactions to Certain Possible U.S. Courses of Action with Respect to the Islands off the Coast of China,” 90, 125
- Report on Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 199
- Report on Tachen Islands, 69–70
- Report on U.S. security, 17–18
- “Review of Current Communist Attitudes Toward General War,” 273–276
- “Significant World Developments Affecting U.S. Security”, 135–136
- Soviet military assistance to People’s Republic of China, 682
- Ceylon, 498n
- Chang Han-fu, 676–677
- Chase, Maj. Gen. William C., 18, 26, 41, 161–162, 388–389, 465–466, 490–491, 615–616
- Chiang Ching-kuo, 288, 369, 485
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo,
255–256, 482
- Cease-fire, opposition to, 112–113
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Military situation, 541, 615–616, 628n
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 166–168, 473–475
- Morale issue, 155, 511–514
- United States, relations with, 185–187, 216, 513–514, 530–531
- Retirement, 488–489
- Two-Chinas issue, 326
- U.S. military assistance, 324–325, 333
- Western opinion of, 560–561
- Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 113
- China, People’s Republic of, 17–18, 24,
- Aerial reconnaissance of, 438–439, 489–490
- Air attacks on, 200
- Ambassadorial talks with the United States. See United States: Possible talks with, below.
- Bandung Conference, 453
- Blockade of, proposed, 371–372, 386, 412, 500, 503–506, 513, 515, 529–531, 559n
- Cease-fire, unofficial, 319–320
- Cease-fire proposals, 525–526, 531–533, 558, 620
- China, Republic of:
- China area, objectives in, 224n, 267, 566, 688–689
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Diplomatic channels, 532–534, 655
- Economic and trade sanctions against, 2–5
- Economic situation, 134, 456, 483
- Future of, 253, 255, 258, 606–607
- India, relations with, 498
- Kashmir Princess incident, 98–99, 519n, 525
- Military situation, 377
- Objectives of, 56–57, 116, 119, 199, 237, 274–275, 288, 341, 352–353, 376–377, 399, 410, 425–426, 433, 514–515, 540, 572–573
- Political situation, 456
- Radar coverage of coastline, 500
- Soviet Union:
- Students detained in the United States (see also under U.S. nationals imprisoned in below), 435–438, 442–443, 467–470, 518n–519n, 574, 584, 588, 589n, 613–615, 653–654, 656–658
- Taiwan, statement of objectives in, 566
- United Nations:
- United States (see also U.S. subheadings below):
- U.S. defense policy, 7–8, 157–158, 165, 352–353, 357–360, 378, 385, 390, 413–415, 438–439, 465–466, 472–473, 569, 573n–574n, 592, 632
- U.S. missionaries in, 648
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in, 6–8, 12, 26–30, 35, 55–56, 149–151, 201, 435,
441, 467–469, 570–571, 618, 637n, 678
- Bandung Conference effect on, 394–395
- Chou’s proposal, 36–37
- Commissioners exchange, 627–628
- Families of, visitation issue, 149–151, 317–318, 577, 586, 587n, 598–599
- Fishermen, repatriation of, 270
- Fliers, 545, 575–576, 579–580, 584–585, 588–589, 613–614
- Media coverage of, 44–45
- Negotiations re (see also Possible talks with under United States above), 316–318, 543–545, 583–585, 592–593, 601, 603–604
- Red Cross delivery of parcels, 470, 613
- Students detained in the United States, effect on, 393, 442–443, 590n, 604, 613–614, 650, 656–658, 664–665, 686
- Tachen Islands evacuation, effect on, 46, 61, 160
- U.N. resolution re, 102, 296–297
- U.S. objectives in, 137–138, 379, 406–407, 672–673
- U.S. role in China area, 119, 125–128, 157–158, 362, 385–386, 444–445, 506, 664–666, 688–689
- China, Republic of:
- Cease-fire proposal, 340, 499, 546–549, 558–559, 683–684
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands. See Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands; Quemoy–Matsu; Nanchi; Tachen Islands.
- Defection issue, 369, 403–404, 483–485
- Economic situation, 33, 318–319, 382, 484
- Émigré Chinese, 420–421
- Intelligence capabilities, 25, 335–336, 383
- Internal security, 484–485
- Military situation, 14, 38–39, 58, 80, 357–358, 462, 541, 616
- Mine fields issue, 568–569
- Morale issue, 191, 288–289, 349–350, 361–363, 382, 419–420, 428, 434, 447–448
- Objectives of, 167–168, 252–255, 323–324, 456
- Political situation, 32, 369, 382–383, 528
- Taiwanese, 383, 481
- Tuapse incident, 322–323, 327, 610n
- Two-Chinas issue, 287, 326, 361–362
- United Nations:
- United States (see also U.S. subheadings
- Mutual Defense Treaty with (Dec. 1954), 42n–43n, 68, 74–75, 321, 457, 494, 496n, 549, 550n, 607
- China, People’s Republic of, position, 224n, 687
- China, Republic of, statements re, 143–144, 173
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, exclusion of, 13, 45, 63, 73, 166–168, 188–189, 278–279, 368, 445
- Morale issue, 434
- Senate approval of, 5–6, 22–23, 66, 68, 120n, 144, 153, 260
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in China, effect on, 110
- Relations with, 184–189, 216, 251–259, 501–502, 524, 530–531, 539–541
- Mutual Defense Treaty with (Dec. 1954), 42n–43n, 68, 74–75, 321, 457, 494, 496n, 549, 550n, 607
- U.S. economic assistance, 457
- U.S. military assistance, 15, 18, 31–32, 123, 136, 188,
457, 473
- Advice, 388–389, 542–543
- Anti-aircraft equipment, 333–334, 553
- Equipment and training, 281–282, 298, 334–335, 358–359, 462, 495
- Intelligence, 359, 398–399, 438–439, 494
- Morale issue, 449, 482–483
- Operation Plan Rochester, 550–552
- Request for combined staff, 331–333
- Reserve training program, 639–640
- U.S. forces, 250, 299, 301, 324–325, 408, 411, 440, 449, 452–453, 461–462, 495, 550–552, 607–610
- U.S. press, 187, 255–256, 305–306
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in People’s Republic of China, 611–612
- U.S. policy, 30–34, 112–113, 183–189, 194, 207–208, 406–407, 455–463, 510–517, 672
- U.S. role in defense of, 16–17, 63, 97, 302, 357–360, 457–458, 488, 596
- World opinion re, 523–524
- China area:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands (see
Ichiang; Nanchi; Quemoy–Matsu; Tachen
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 86–90, 137, 165, 225n, 336–338, 349, 370, 379, 513, 459, 587, 595
- Cease-fire, obstacles to, 201
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of, objectives in, 440–441, 462, 473–475, 515, 542n, 599
- Civilians on, 599
- Defense of, 25–26, 70–71, 448–449
- Evacuation, possibility of:
- India’s views on, 597
- Loss of, projected effects of, 480–481, 485–486
- Military situation, 487–488, 542–543, 615–616, 628
- Morale issue, 458–461, 479–489, 511–514
- Risk of war, 75–76, 175
- Soviet objectives in, 158–159
- Strategic significance of, 15, 81, 187, 458–461
- U.K. objectives in, 197, 270–273, 368–369, 661–662
- U.N. role in, 40
- U.S. objectives in, 71–72, 76–80, 92, 95–96, 104–105, 122–123, 236–240, 268, 283, 362–363, 448–449, 450–451, 473–475, 486–488
- U.S. role in defense of, 26, 42, 46–47, 49–52, 60, 70–71, 84–85, 172–173, 183–184, 193–195, 263, 457–458, 461–462, 473–475
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 66
- Chou En-lai, 7n, 8n, 107, 109, 119, 352n–353n
- Bandung Conference, 566–567, 581–583
- Cease-fire proposal, 132, 525–526, 620
- China, People’s Republic of-U.S. proposed talks, 231–233, 507–509, 520, 548n, 554–555, 591–593, 619, 644–645, 650, 653–655, 666–668
- China area, U.S. role in, 157–158, 506, 664–666, 688–689
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 135, 157–158, 590–591, 688–689
- Geneva Conference on Indochina, Final Declaration, 651–652
- Kashmir Princess incident, 525
- Soviet conference proposal, 581–582
- Students detained in the United States, 653–654, 664–665
- Two-Chinas issue, 266–267, 688
- United Nations, New Zealand initiative, 202–203, 228, 266–267
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in People’s Republic of China, 12–13, 26–30, 35–36, 149, 518–519, 653–654, 664–665
- Churchill, Sir Winston S., 129, 270–273
- Clements, Earle C., 60, 62–64, 67–68, 72
- Clough, Ralph N., 682–685
- Cochran, William P., Jr., 615–616
- Cohen, Benjamin, 22
- Colombo powers meeting, 498, 506
- Communism (see also China, People’s Republic of), 33, 190–191, 421–424
- Congress, U.S.:
- Eisenhower message to, 115–119
- House of Representatives, Resolution 159, 119n, 126
- Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 443
- Joint Resolution (PL–4), 47–49, 51n–52n, 58–59, 65, 73–74, 83–85, 101–102, 115–120, 162–163, 191–192, 198, 260, 368, 424–429, 457–458
- Mutual Defense Treaty with Republic of China, 20, 22–23
- Public Law 480, 315–319
- Senate:
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in People’s Republic of China, 623
- U.S. role in China area. See Joint Resolution above.
- Cooper, John Sherman, 536–538, 576–578, 663
- Coty, René, 353
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy, 3
- Cowen, Myron M.I., 22
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 498, 506, 525–526
- Cutler, Robert, 4, 10, 19–22, 69–70, 73–75, 79, 122–123, 136, 140–142, 318, 355–360
- Democratic National Committee, 20, 22–23
- DePalma, Samuel, 225
- Dixon, Pierson, 242
- Donaghy, Frederick A., 614
- Douglas, Lewis W., 422n
- Downey, John T., 6n, 27–28, 297
- DuGay, Eva Stella, 656–657
- Dulles, Allen W.:
- Dulles, John Foster, 172n
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 336–338, 347, 358–359, 370, 410, 413, 426, 433
- Australia, 477–478, 535–536
- Bandung Conference, 453–455, 464, 466–467, 475–476, 519–520
- Burma, 629–630
- Cease-fire proposal, 155, 321, 325–326, 404–405, 410, 411, 414, 546–549, 571–572, 679–680
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Blockade of, possible, 371–372, 492
- Future of, 253–255, 257–258, 606–607
- Military situation, 312–313, 342, 398–399
- Objectives of, 464, 466–467, 475–476, 519–520
- Risk of war with, 137–139, 412–415
- Students detained in the United States, 442–443
- U.N. Security Council, attendance at, 227n, 235, 326
- United States, proposed talks with, 546–549, 555, 556–557, 619–622, 632–633, 637–639, 646–647, 653, 658–659, 661, 679–680
- United States, relations with, 632–637, 664–665
- U.S. aircraft operations, 573–574
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in, 7–9, 34–35, 44–46, 55–56, 150n, 160, 277–278, 441–442, 588–589, 598–599, 601, 603–604, 605–607, 622–626, 630–631, 646–647
- U.S. position, 137–139, 412–413, 635–637, 672–673
- China, Republic of:
- Military situation, 348, 628
- Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, 5–6, 20–23, 152–153
- Objectives of, 252–255, 323
- U.S. military assistance, 411, 607–610
- U.S. role in defense of (see also under Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, below), 20–23, 100–104, 141–142, 152–153, 307–312, 370–371, 426–427, 444–445, 477–478, 491–496, 517, 560–561, 565–566, 672
- China area:
- Balance of power, 236
- Possibility of war, 308, 346, 348–349
- U.S. objectives in, 2, 292–295, 353–355, 392–393, 526–528, 595–602
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Ichiang Island, 37
- Military situation, 398–399, 628
- Quemoy–Matsu, 156–157, 304n, 321–322, 402, 427, 624
- Tachen Islands, 40, 105, 155–157
- U.K. position, 86–91, 96–99, 120–122, 130–132, 344–345, 372
- U.S. objectives in, 91–95, 236–237, 278–279, 368–370, 450–451, 522
- U.S.-Soviet talks, 111–112, 115n
- U.S. role in defense of, 41–44, 46–52, 56–68, 70–82, 161, 262–265, 299–300, 344–345, 384
- East-West trade, 5
- India, 580n, 605–607, 646–647
- Kefauver resolution, 154–155
- Morale issue, 155–157, 350, 368–369, 390, 427
- Pakistan, 534–535
- Pan-Asianism, 454
- Soviet Union:
- Tuapse incident, 322–323, 327, 610–611
- Two Chinas issue, 418n
- United Kingdom:
- United Nations:
- Duncan, Admiral, 250
- Eden, Sir Anthony:
- Edendale incident, 497
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Army, planned reductions in size of, 428–429
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 336–337, 355–359, 390
- Bandung Conference, 476
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China, Republic of:
- China area, U.S. objectives in, 151–152, 292–295, 353–355, 418–422, 444–445, 526–528, 594–595, 674
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Communism, 190–191, 418n–419n, 421, 422–424
- India, relations with the United States, 594–595, 605, 647
- Morale issue, 191, 214, 349–350, 447
- Presidential powers, 91–96, 100
- Soviet Union, 192–193, 261, 617, 674
- United Kingdom, relations with the United States, 128–129, 259–261, 292–295, 418–422
- Western opinion of the United States, 189–190
- Elliston, Herbert, 255–256
- Fecteau, Richard George, 6n, 27–28, 297
- Finletter, Thomas K., 22
- Fisher, Adrian, 22
- Flemming, Arthur S., 78, 94, 617
- Ford, Francis X., 648
- Foreign Policy Association, 278–279
- Formosa. See China, Republic of and Taiwan.
- Formosa Resolution. See Congress, U.S.: Joint Resolution.
- France, 133
- Geneva Conference on Indochina, Final Declaration, 651–652
- Geneva meeting of heads of government, 535
- George, Walter F., 23, 65–66, 68, 144, 337–338, 493n
- Gleason, S. Everett, 3–5, 19–25, 69–82, 135–140, 199, 318, 345–350, 389–391, 431–433
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 164n, 177n, 214n, 220–222, 297–298, 366–367, 503
- Goodyear, John, 438–439
- Gordon, Thomas S., 428
- Gowen, Franklin C., 315–318, 435–438, 467–470, 583–585, 613–615, 656–658
- Hagerty, James C., 30, 37, 140n, 141n, 142n, 164n, 202–203, 305–307, 352n, 408–409, 489, 507
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 107, 109, 120–122
- China, People’s Republic of-U.S. proposed talks, 231–233
- Role in United Nations, 246–247
- Two-Chinas issue, 266–267
- U.N. Security Council:
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in People’s Republic of China, 7n, 8–9, 12–13, 34–37, 44–46, 55–56, 149–151, 296–297, 394–395, 441n–442n, 518–519, 544–545, 570–571, 586–587, 618, 625–626, 665
- Hammarskjöld mission, 7, 30, 34n, 35–37, 109–110, 112–113, 149–151
- Hanes, J.W., Jr., 409–415
- Hayter, Sir William G., 217n, 291–292
- Heeney, Arnold D.P., 213–214
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 526
- Hightower, John, 187
- Hong Kong, 496–497, 624
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr.:
- Hoover Commission, 14
- Howard, Roy W., 305
- Huan Hsiang, 533
- Huizer, Marcella Eileen, 614
- Hull, Gen. John E., 12–13, 123
- Humphrey, George M., 75–76, 78–79, 92–93, 138, 282–285
- Ichiang Island (see also Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands), 37, 69–70, 152
- Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 443
- India:
- Indonesia:
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 125
- Iraq, 455
- Japan, 359
- Japanese Peace Treaty, 464
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 72
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 533
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Joy, Michael, 676–677
- Kashmir Princess incident, 519n, 525
- Kefauver, Estes, 154n
- Key, David McK., 172, 225–228
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 290, 329, 426
- Kinmen Island. See Quemoy–Matsu.
- Knowland, William F., 34, 52, 56, 61–64, 67–68, 72, 202, 526–527
- Koo, V.K. Wellington:
- Korea, 221, 621–622
- Kotelawala, Sir John L., 212
- Kuznetzov, Vasili V., 291
- Laos, 380n, 414, 420
- Lay, James S., Jr., 25n, 30
- Lebanon, 455, 556–557
- Li Kuang-tze, 315
- Lippman, Walter, 187
- Lodge, Henry Cabot:
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 7–8, 141–142, 249–250, 395–396, 413, 415, 453–455, 466–467
- McConaughy, Walter P., 145–147, 152, 203, 215, 243, 611–612, 676–678
- McCormack, John W., 59, 62–63, 65, 67–68, 74, 82, 428–429
- Macdonald, Thomas L., 313
- Macmillan, Harold, 605–607, 641–642, 645–648, 672
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 251
- Makins, Roger, 44–46, 86–90, 97–99, 223–224, 538–539
- Bandung Conference, cease-fire resolution, 454
- China, Republic of, 338–339
- China area, U.K. objectives in, 234–235, 374–375
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, U.S. role in defense of, 161, 195–197, 213–214, 244–246, 260n, 344–345
- United Nations, New Zealand initiative, 180, 364–366, 373
- U.K.-Soviet relations, 365
- Malik, Charles, 455, 548n, 556–557
- Malik, Yakov A., 291
- Manila Pact. See Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty.
- Mansfield, Michael J., 22–23
- Mao Tse-tung, 35
- Marshall, Gen. George C., 112, 271
- Martin, Edwin W., 133n
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 58, 67, 91
- Mehta, Gaganvihari Lallubhai, 574–575
- Menon, V.K. Krishna, 374, 392–393, 535–538, 574, 576–578, 588n, 594–606, 610–611, 622–626, 631–637
- Menzies, Robert Gordon, 212–213
- Merchant, Livingston T., 179–181, 213–214, 234–238, 344–345, 477–478, 495–497
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 352–353, 424–429
- Moekarto Notowidigdo, 451–452, 554–555, 591–593
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 148–149, 158–159, 177, 210, 217n, 218, 234, 244, 248, 290, 314, 351, 563–565, 567–568, 610–611, 671
- Morse, Wayne L., 141n
- Munro, Leslie Knox, 45, 46n, 110, 122, 124, 132n, 147, 288, 340–343, 430–431
- Murphy, Robert D., 8, 196–197, 215, 531–534, 592–593
- Nanchi (see also Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands):
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- China, People’s Republic of, 25n
- China, Republic of, 1–3, 19–20, 25n, 30–34, 318–319, 396, 668–670
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, 2–5, 9–11, 21n, 24–25, 42n, 74–75
- Documents:
- Intelligence Advisory Committee Watch Committee report, 432
- “Policy Regarding Use of Nuclear Weapons,” 355–357
- Soviet Union, 137
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 135, 200–201, 290, 574–575, 644–647, 654n, 663
- New Zealand, 370–371
- Nitze, Paul H., 22
- Nixon, Richard M., 78, 82, 93, 140
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 175, 347n, 548–549
- Nu, U, 135–136, 346, 617, 619–622, 629–630, 651–652, 673
- Nuclear weapons. See Atomic weapons.
- O’Neill, Con, 653–655, 675–676
- Oracle. See U.N. initiative under New Zealand.
- Orem, Rear Admiral Howard E., 249–250
- Pakistan, 455, 506, 508n, 534–535
- Pan-Asianism, 454
- Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 200
- Pearson, Drew, 255–256
- Pearson, Lester B., 213n, 281, 416
- Philippines, 62, 251, 380, 506
- Phleger, Herman, 7–8, 94, 287, 410–413, 415, 631, 673
- Poland, 322n
- Potsdam agreement, 158–159
- Pravda, 148n, 210
- President Gottwald incident, 322n
- President of the United States, powers of, 59–60, 72–73, 91–92, 94, 163
- Pride, Vice Adm. Alfred M., 109, 136, 207n, 250n, 500
- Quemoy–Matsu (see also
Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands), 46–48, 50–52, 57, 75–77, 79, 94, 101, 145, 166–168, 174–175, 181–182, 321–322, 361, 407, 440–441, 448–449
- China, People’s Republic of, objectives in, 75–77, 93–94, 250n–251n, 408–409, 624
- Defense of, 250, 252, 357, 363–364, 367, 377, 509, 511–517, 521, 528–531, 615–616, 628
- Evacuation of, 301n, 302, 380, 390, 494–495, 511–516, 523–525
- Morale issue, 304–305, 337–338, 350, 380, 390, 427, 479–480
- Strategic significance of, 40, 175, 187
- U.S. role in defense of, 13–17, 26, 38–41, 46–48, 50–54, 57, 75–77, 79, 94, 101, 145, 156, 166–168, 170–171, 174–175, 175–176, 181–182, 321–322, 361, 407, 413–415, 427, 440–441, 448–449, 509, 511–512, 517, 521, 528–531
- Quirino, Elpidio, 251
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W.:
- Rankin, J. Lee, 94
- Rankin, Karl Lott:
- China, People’s Republic of, estimate of objectives of, 540
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Rayburn, Sam, 91, 93, 427–429
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 262
- Rhee, Syngman, 343
- Richards, James P., 62, 67, 313
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 400–401, 452–453
- Robertson, Walter S.:
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 510
- China, People’s Republic of, 413
- China, Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Mission to Taipei, April 1955, 476–477, 493, 499, 501–506, 509–517, 521–525, 528–531
- Morale issue, 288–289, 412
- North Atlantic Council meeting agenda, 549
- Taiwan, 370, 499
- United Nations, New Zealand initiative, 343
- Romanoff, Irene, 614
- Romanoff, Nadeshda, 614
- Romulo, Gen. Carlos P., 464, 525, 532
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 58, 60–62, 66, 121
- Scott, Sir Robert Heatlie, 88–89, 98, 120–122, 130–132, 168–172, 237, 287–289, 434, 496–497
- Sebald, William J., 500, 507–509, 589–591, 619–622
- Shen Chang-huan, 208–209, 219–220
- Shen Ping, 315, 435, 468–470, 584–585, 613–615, 656–658
- Smedberg, Adm. William R., 438–439
- Smith, Bromley, 279–286
- Smith, H. Alexander, 526–528
- Sobolev, Arkady A., 178, 210–211
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (1954), 33, 68
- Seventh Fleet, deployment of, 16, 19n, 39–40, 41, 79, 109, 216, 240, 250, 367
- Sino-Japanese Treaty (1895), 564
- Soviet Union:
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 137, 276n, 587
- China, People’s Republic of:
- China area, objectives in, 137–139, 147–149, 158–159, 289–291, 563–565, 674
- Conference proposal, 563, 567, 581, 610–611
- Economic situation, 253–254
- Risk of war, 137, 275–276
- Treaty of Mutual Assistance with People’s Republic of China, 192–193, 289
- Tuapse incident, 8, 610, 671
- United Kingdom, relations with, 290, 351
- United Nations, New Zealand initiative, 99, 210–212, 217–218, 223–224, 314
- U.S. aggression, accusation of, 177–179
- U.S. estimate of objectives of, 253–254, 258, 261, 275–276
- U.S. statement of intent, 111–112, 115, 406–407
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 560–561
- Spender, Sir Percy C., 262–265, 477–478
- Spruance, Adm. Raymond A., 328–329, 362
- Stassen, Harold E., 4, 77, 79–80, 92–94, 139–140, 282–285, 390n, 433
- Stephens, Thomas E., 261
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 16, 123, 164–165, 175–176, 299, 309, 366–367, 471–473
- Suydam, Henry, 150n
- Sweden, 226n, 231–233, 664–666
- Tachen Islands (see also
Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands):
- China, People’s Republic of, attacks on, 9–11, 17–26, 152–153
- Disposition of, 153–154, 156
- Evacuation of, 76–77, 100–108, 112–113, 143–144, 156, 161–162, 182, 196, 198–199, 206, 208n, 219–222, 229, 230n, 231n, 248–250, 268–269, 515–516
- Strategic significance of, 15, 40–41, 56–58, 108
- U.S. role in defense of, 18, 38–41, 48, 53–54, 74, 88, 100
- Taiwan (see also China, Republic of):
- Tange, Arthur Harold, 371–372
- Thailand, 380n, 455, 506, 525–526
- Tong, Hollington K., 209
- Trevelyan, Humphrey, 120–121, 157–158, 562
- Troyanovsky, O.A., 159
- Truman, Harry S., 59, 94, 423
- Tsiang, Tingfu F., 110, 124, 147
- Tuapse incident, 8, 113, 322–323, 610
- Turkey, 455
- Twining, Gen. Nathaniel B., 18
- United Kingdom:
- Bandung Conference, 453–454
- Cease-fire proposals, 402, 404–405, 416–417
- China, People’s Republic of, 271
- China, Republic of:
- China area:
- Objectives in, 374–375, 418n, 419n
- U.S. role in (see also China, Republic of, U.S. role in defense of; Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, U.S. role in defense of, above), 195–197, 293
- Objectives in, 374–375, 418n, 419n
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands:
- Edendale incident, 497
- Formosa, proposal for pact to defend, 370–371, 419n
- Hong Kong shipping, 496–497
- Political situation, 497
- Risk of war, 234
- Soviet Union, relations with, 351, 365
- United Nations, New Zealand initiative, 180–181, 212–213, 235, 364–366, 373, 397–398
- United States, relations with, 259–261, 277, 292–295, 364–366, 418–422
- U.S. press, 265
- Working Party Report, 130–140, 417
- United Nations (see also
U.N. Security
- Capabilities of, 121
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands, possible role in (see also Cease-fire proposal under U.N. Security Council), 42–43, 47, 66, 72, 76–77, 86–89, 93, 100, 102, 129–132, 153–156, 176, 239–243, 286–289
- Resolution 500(V), 371, 372n
- Resolution 906(IX), 7
- U.S. nationals imprisoned in People’s Republic of China, 296–297, 625–626
- U.N. Security Council (see also
- Cease-fire proposal (see also Chinese Nationalist Offshore Islands under United Nations), 42n–43n, 155, 178, 321, 364–366, 387–388, 397–398, 404–405, 410–411, 414, 416–417
- Hammarskjöld–Chou correspondence, 225–227, 241–243
- New Zealand initiative, 35, 110, 121–122, 130–132, 134, 146, 157, 178–179, 201–203, 209–210, 223n, 225–227, 232, 266, 269
- Rule 39, 130, 134, 226
- Soviet role in, 15, 158–159, 178, 217–218, 223n, 225, 387
- Vietnam, 380n, 651
- Vinson, Carl, 62, 64, 65
- Vorys, John M., 428
- Wadsworth, James J., 266–267, 296–297, 518
- Wainhouse, David W., 130–131, 287
- Waldock, Humphrey, 28
- Wallace, William L., 648
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince Krommun Naradhip Bongsprabandh, 525–526, 532
- Wang Ping-nan, 533
- Webster, Donald E., 550–552
- Wei Li-huang, 484
- Western European Union, 347n
- Whitman, Ann C., 104–105, 357n
- Wiley, Alexander, 57, 59–61, 65–66, 68, 73–74
- Wilson, Charles E., 76–77, 79–81, 105, 139, 385–386, 401–404, 553
- Wu, K.C., 255
- Yeh, George:
- Yeh Ching-pei, 315
- Yikiangshan. See Ichiang Island.
- Young, Kenneth T., 451–452
- Yu Ta-wei, 53–54, 331–333
- Yudin, Pavel Fedorovich, 587–588
- Zaroubin, Georgiy Nikolayevich, 342
- Zhukov, Georgiy K., 329, 674n