197. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey1

1295. From Secretary. Decision on part of ChiComs whether to resort to force to make good their claims against Formosa and offshore islands, with resultant hostilities which probably could not be confined to these islands, may in large part be determined by ChiComs’ judgment on whether majority of Asian nations would feel resort to force by ChiComs justified. Therefore Bandung Conference (where ChiComs may form their estimate of Asian reaction to use of force against islands) may have decisive effect on ChiComs’ subsequent action and on whether there is peace or war in Far East.

If you believe it appropriate please convey foregoing orally to Foreign Minister or head of Bandung Conference delegation2 as my estimate and express strong hope that if at Bandung Conference subjects of peace or Formosan situation are discussed his delegation would find it possible to urge strongly that Conference call on parties [Page 467] concerned to renounce threat or use of force in Formosa Straits area. Such action at Bandung could in final analysis be deciding factor whether or not war breaks out in Pacific.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 670.901/4–855. Secret. Drafted by MacArthur; cleared with Assistant Secretaries Robertson and Allen; and approved and personally signed by the Secretary. Also sent to Cairo, Baghdad, Tehran, Karachi, Bangkok, and Tokyo and repeated for information to Jakarta.
  2. Reports from the addressee missions, all of which, including the Embassy at Jakarta, reported that they conveyed the message to an appropriate person, are ibid., 670.901 and 793.00.