118. Telegram From the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Aldrich) to the Department of State1

3670. 1. Foreign Office notes Secretary has indicated interest in having private discussion with Eden at Bangkok on Formosa. Eden understood welcome this suggestion.

2. Foreign Office of opinion nothing further can be done in SC on Formosa under present circumstances and it would be best to mark time pending more favorable developments. Meanwhile Foreign Office hopes keep way open through diplomatic channel for further discussions.

3. With this in mind, Hayter reports that on 14th he lunched with Kuznetzov and Malik.2 Former commented Chinese Communists could not be expected sit down with Chinese Nationalists nor was this necessary as only parties to dispute were Chinese Communists and US. He said however he welcomed UK initiative and asked that UK use moderating influence on US. Hayter countered by suggesting USSR use its moderating influence on Chinese Communists. Kuznetzov intimated reply to British note might be forthcoming shortly; suggested composition of proposed conference on Formosa should not be taken as fixed and changes could be discussed.

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4. When returning Chinese Communist Ambassador’s call on 16th Hayter brought up Soviet suggestion for conference. Chinese Communists discussed problem amiably saying chief issue seemed to be composition of conference. Hayter noted he took far less compromising line than Pravda.

5. Foreign Office sees little room for encouragement in above except that perhaps Communists themselves seem anxious to keep door open.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.00/2–1855. Secret. Received at 4:08 p.m. Repeated to Moscow for information.
  2. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasili V. Kuznetzov and Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom Yakov A. Malik.