Editorial Note

On August 28, 1953, the General Assembly considered the work of the First Committee as embodied in its report (United Nations document A/2450), which comprised four resolutions passed by the Committee on August 27. The first, resolution A, was the draft resolution introduced by the 15 nations with armed forces in Korea (United Nations document A/L.151/Rev. 1) with a minor amendment. It passed in the plenary session of the Assembly. The second, resolution B, which called for participation by the Soviet Union provided the other side desired it (originally United Nations document A/L.152/Rev. 2) also passed the Assembly. The third, resolution C, calling for India’s participation at the future conference, was withdrawn when the Indian Representative, Krishna Menon, stated that the purposes of peace were best served by not forcing the draft resolution to a decision in the Assembly. Finally, the fourth, resolution D, which called for communication of the resolution of the Assembly to Peking and Pyongyang, was adopted. Together these three, resolutions A, B, and D, made up General Assembly Resolution 711 (VII); for a text and relevant statements by Ambassador Lodge, see Department of State Bulletin, September 14, 1953, pages 361–366.