795.00/7–353: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1

top secret

13. If Rhee’s reply to your July 3 aide-mémoire and letter2 is still unsatisfactory the time has probably come for you to leave if you feel that your continued presence will serve no useful purpose.

Would appreciate your judgment and recommendations as to line of action be taken at time of your departure in connection with following:

Coordination your departure and action taken connection therewith with actions being taken by CINCUNC accordance his CX 634493 so as to produce maximum impact upon Rhee and ROK political and military leaders.
How and to what extent you should make clear to Rhee that in event of his continued refusal to agree to the conditions upon which they were predicated, the offers which have been made to him to obtain his cooperation are to be considered as withdrawn when you depart.
How and to what extent you should make clear to Rhee that his present course action makes it necessary for UNC plan for the “another arrangement” indicated in President’s June 18 letter4 and that CINCUNC has been authorized take necessary steps this regard.

With regard public relations aspects at time your departure would appreciate your views concerning issuance of public statement by you and to what extent it should cover following points:

Detail extreme lengths to which US has been prepared go to meet Rhee viewpoint while Rhee remaining intransigent and refusing give assurances cooperation in conclusion and implementation armistice.
While Rhee made concession on minor points he has insisted US commit itself resume hostilities for purpose achieving unification if political conference following armistice fails achieve unification within ninety days. Rhee’s proposal means armistice not firm and binding conclusion hostilities which UNC has consistently demanded of Communists but only temporary ceasefire which can be broken at will by either side. Conclusion armistice would mean successful achievement UN military objectives in Korea by repelling aggression. If ROK cooperation forthcoming US resolves to work with ROK by all peaceful means to effect unification. However US not prepared commit itself resort to war to achieve this purpose. It is up to ROK to decide whether it wishes receive cooperation US this great endeavor.
Generous and far-reaching offers of US having been rejected by Rhee these offers now withdrawn.
UNC will continue seek armistice with Communists on basis Clark’s letter June 29.5
Release Secretary’s letter June 226 to Rhee and such of your communications you consider useful.
Foregoing possibly to be supplemented by background press conference in as much detail you consider desirable.

In addition views on foregoing would appreciate any other views and recommendations you may have so that appropriate recommendations may be submitted to President and any action required here can be coordinated with that to be taken by you.

  1. This telegram, drafted and cleared by Johnson, was repeated to Tokyo for Clark as 39.
  2. Transmitted in Army message 0217502, July 3, p. 1312.
  3. Dated July 2, p. 1296.
  4. Not printed, but see footnote 3 to telegram 13 from Seoul, p. 1221.
  5. For text, see Department of State Bulletin, July 13, 1953, pp. 46–47.
  6. Ante, p. 1238.