FE files, lot 55 D 338, “South Korean Attitude Toward Armistice, May 1953”
The Chief of Staff, United States Army (Collins) to the Commander in Chief Far East (Clark)
Washington, May 29, 1953—10:57
DA 940238. From CSUSA for CINCUNC exclusive for General Clark. JCS have authorized me to dispatch the following:
- 1.
- Reference your plan “Everready”1 which was reviewed today, we are deeply concerned over current difficulties with ROK government, due to their dissatisfaction with armistice terms, and the possibility of withdrawal of all or part of ROK forces from UNC. This problem is receiving consideration at the highest levels of government.
- 2.
- Pending final action here, you are authorized to take such preliminary measures as you deem necessary to insure the security of your command in the event an emergency is created by any action of ROK government. Moreover, if a grave emergency should arise due to such action by ROK government you, as the commander in the field, are authorized to act as necessary to insure the integrity of your forces.
- 3.
- The Secretary of State, who returned today from the Middle East, and the Secretary of Defense will confer with the President tomorrow, 30 May, re the offer to ROK government of a bilateral security pact, and you will be informed earliest of President’s decision. However, prior to receipt of this information, if it becomes advisable to avert a grave emergency, and if in your judgment you can effectively avoid it by doing so, you are authorized to give Rhee oral assurances that the [Page 1120] Secretary of State is strongly recommending to the President that we agree to negotiate a bilateral security pact with ROK government.
- 4.
- Your comments requested on urgent basis as to whether offer to negotiate a security pact with ROK government at this time would reconcile Rhee to an armistice according to most recent UNC proposals.