795.00/11–3052: Telegram

The Ambassador in India (Bowles) to the Department of State


2240. Dept pass USUN. Rptd USUN. PriMin in Sanchi for Buddhist ceremony. But this morning R.K. Nehru told us categorically no change of any kind in policy and Ind wld definitely support its res. He said he had sent instructions to this effect to Ind del today Nov 30. He said delay entirely due desire Menon have more time prepare his speech and clear it with New Delhi.

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R.K. Nehru said he had given out publicity appearing in New Delhi press today which stated without direct quotes that Ind again in contact Peking through diplomatic channels with view clarifying Indian res since GOI thinks some of China’s objections due to misunderstanding. Statement added that India welcomes statement Chi Govt and Ind wld continue efforts achieve armistice on equal and reasonable terms. It goes on to say that India regrets Chi disapproval but GOI will continue in hope rejection by Chi conveyed through Vyshinsky1 is not final and that Chi will give further consideration to matter. Adds Ind believes Chi honestly wishes restoration peace in Korea and GOI believes efforts being made in cooperation other countries at UN will ultimately bear fruit.

Statement suggested that there no finality about Ind res which was intended as basis for expeditious settlement Korean problem and that Ind anxious dispel Chi fears that modifications made to suit Amer or any other party involved in dispute. True certain clarifications offered to allay Amer suspicions but no radical change in original res which presumably had been under favorable consideration Peking. Subsequent statement by Chi that wld continue efforts achieve armistice on equal and reasonable basis keeps door open for Ind del to pursue policy of facilitating settlement.

As I reported yesterday there is widespread conviction here both in and out of Govt that Chi Commies were favorably disposed towards res but that Sov applied extreme pressure to prevent agreement. As result of this conviction resentment against Sov is keen and also disappointment that Chi had succumbed so easily.

Unfortunately it is said with some cynicism that US might have turned down res if Vyshinsky had not taken negative position. Ind for first time has taken clear-cut position in opposition to Commie Govts, and on this issue clearly believes us to be right and them to be wrong.

  1. Vyshinsky’s announcement of Chinese rejection came in the course of debate in Committee 1 on Nov. 26, 1952, just before he introduced the Soviet Union’s six amendments to the Indian resolution. For the debate, see UN document A/C.1/SR.531.