Editorial Note

The National Security Council, at its 120th Meeting, June 25, 1952, approved NSC 124/2, “United States Objectives and Courses of Action With Respect to Southeast Asia.” President Truman approved the report on the same day. Paragraphs 8–13 of NSC 124/2 dealt with Indochina, specifying that the United States should continue to support the French effort, should continue to attempt to influence the policies of France and the Associated States toward actions consistent with United States objectives, and should (in concert with its allies) employ air and sea power against Communist China in the event that the latter invaded Indochina.

NSC 124/2 had been in preparation since March under the direction of the Senior Staff of the National Security Council and reflected contributions by the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. For the text of NSC 124/2 and documentation on its preparation, see volume xii.